jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

Kali Yuga 2012

Kali Yuga 2012 countdown clock

! Coming to the End of the Kali Yuga ?
( Many say Yes - Few say No )
December 21, 2012

413 days, 10 hours, 51 minutes, and 2 seconds left until The End of The Kali Yuga


- 2012 - Acontecimiento Nexus y la Reunión - Caminante Astral

- 2012 - Another Anunnaki Hoax

- 2012 - Ascension, Rebirth and the Dimensional Shift

- 2012 - Ascensión, Renacimiento y Cambio Dimensional

- 2012 - Bright Side

- 2012 - Cataclysmic Breakdown or Y2K makeover? ET/UFO Contact? DNA/Consciousness Transformation?

- 2012 - Día del Juicio Final y el Punto Omega

- 2012 - Doom Isn't What It Used to Be

- 2012 - Doomsday & The Omega Point

- 2012 - Doom - The Rest of The Story

- 2012 - El Fin del Mundo No Es Lo que Solía Ser

- 2012 - Hoagland & Wilcock on Coast to Coast

- 2012 - Juicio Final - El Resto de la Historia

- 2012 - La Conexión Astronómica

- 2012 May Bring The “Perfect Storm” - Solar Slares, Systems Sollapse

- 2012 - Nexus Event and The Gathering - Astralwalker

- 2012 - Otro Engaño Anunnaki

- 2012 Pudiera Traernos La “Tormenta Perfecta”

- 2012 - Puerta Estelar de Los Dioses

- 2012 - Stargate of The Gods

- 2012 - The Astronomy Connection

- 2012 - What's New?

- 2012 and The Ascension - From Cosmic Awareness Channeled Readings

- 2012 y La Ascensión - De Lecturas Canalizadas de La Conciencia Cósmica

- An Occult Translation of the Roswell Event - Count Down to 2012

- Are You On a 2012-13 Catastrophic Timeline? Or Are You On a 2012-13 Positive Future Timeline?

- Countdown to 2012 - Reflections on Kali Yuga, The Maya Endtime, and The Western Narrative Spell

- Dan Burisch and 2012

- DCTP - The Doctrine of The Convergent Timeline Paradox

- Declaración del Monte Adams - el 2012 y la Edad de Oro

- Doomsday in 2012?

- Dr. Michael Salla Comments on Mt. Adams Statement - 2012 & A Golden Age

- El 2012 Según el Investigador Gregg Braden

- El Lado Brillante del 2012

- ¿El Verdadero Día del Juicio Final?

- Encuentro con El Cinturón de Fotones

- ¿Está Usted en Una Línea de Tiempo 2012-13 de Un Futuro Catastrófico o Positivo?

- Forget Doomsday 2012 Forecasts - They're Already Here, But The Shift Is Up To Us

- ¿Ha Empezado ya La SuperOnda Galáctica del 2012? - Exopolíticas y Una SuperOnda Galáctica

- Has the Galactic Superwave of 2012 Begun? - Exopolitics and A Galactic Superwave

- Imploding Cycle of Energy Increase Culminating in 2012-13 AD

- Is 2012 Earth's Real Golden Age?

- Izapa - The Origin Place of the 2012 Calendar and the 2012 Prophecy

- La Física del 2012

- Los Riesgos de Creer Que El Calendario Maya Termina el 21 de Diciembre de 2012

- Mayan Endtime - 2012 - Zodiacal Ages

- Mayas Actuales Hablan Sobre el 2012 y Desmitifican La Versión Occidental

- Mensaje OVNI/ET de Un Cambio Dimensional en 2012 - Traído por un Contactado, Pariente del Dr. Martin Luther King

- Might 2012 Mean Something? - End of Mayan Calendar 2012

- Olvídese de Las Predicciones Catastróficas del 2012 - Ya Están Aquí, Pero El Cambio Depende de Nosotros

- Physics of The Ascension

- ¿Porqué 21 de Diciembre de 2012?

- ¿Será el 2012 Realmente la Edad Dorada de La Tierra?

- ¿Significa Algo el 2012? - Fin del Calendario Maya 2012

- The 2012 Apocalypse - And How to Stop It

- The 2012 Nexus Event - Book One - An Unknown Form Of Energy Is Coming Our Way

- The 2012 Nexus Event - Book Two

- The Future and Beyond - Main File

- The Physics of 2012

- The Real Doomsday? - December 2012

- The Risks of Believing That The Mayan Calendar Ends December 21, 2012!

- The World Cataclysm in 2012 - Project Camelot Interviews Patrick Geryl

- UFO-ET Message of Dimensional Shift in 2012 - Brought by Dr. Martin Luther King Relative and Contactee

- What is The Galactic Alignment in 2012?

- Why December 21, 2012?


Additional Information

- 2009 to 2012 - ET Contact - The Galactic Underworld - Discovery of Life on Mars - A Conversation With Barbara Hand Clow

- 2012 - DMT, Psilocin, Mescalin, Ecstasy in The Preparation for Ascension

- 2012 Earth Timelines and The Secret Mars Agenda

- 2012 - El Año En Que Se Acaba Internet

- 2012 - Hacia La 'Era de Luz'

- 21 Diciembre 2012 Erróneo

- Afirmaciones Mayas y Creencias acerca del 2012 - Evidencias

- All Life on Earth is United

- An Electrical Engineer on 2012-2013 - Whistleblower Testimony

- ¡Ármate Para Los Tiempos Venideros!

- Atrayendo el Mañana - Conciencia Mas Alta se Expande Entre la Humanidad

- Attracting Tomorrow - Higher Awareness Unfolding Among Mankind

- Back From The Future - Gold in January 2012

- Becoming a Multidimensional Being

- Be Prepared for 2012 Solar Storm - Scientists Warn

- C14, Pole Shift, Noodle Soup

- Carta Urgente De Un Político Noruego a La Humanidad

- Celente Predicts Revolution, Food Riots, Tax Rebellions by 2012

- Cobertura del 2012 por El Periódico 'USA TODAY'

- Comets Honda and Elenin Fulfill Mayan, Hopi and Christian Prophesies - The Mayan Calendar Approaches Its End on 10-28-11

- Cost of Electric Grid Failure From 2012 Solar Storms Avoidable

- Cuarta y Quinta Dimensión: 2013 AD - extraído del Capitulo 7 - Defendiendo Tierra sagrada - El Compendio de Andromeda

- Cycles of Precession

- Cyclology - The Mathematics of History

- Decoding The Past - Doomsday 2012

- Del Porqué Los Ciclos de Creación No Terminarán El 21 de Diciembre de 2012, Sino El 28 de Octubre de 2011

- El Calendario Maya Termina el 21 de Diciembre de 2012 - Que Significa?

- Electrical Power Grid to Be Blasted by 2012 Solar Storms

- El Fin del Mundo...

- El Jaque Mate - Informaciones Para Materializar Un Mundo Nuevo

- El Mayor Secreto de Cambio en El Mundo - Jake Simpson

- El Proceso de La Ascensión - Main File

- El Retorno de Los Nueve - 2012

- Emergiendo de La Negación

- Emerging From Denial

- Exponiendo Los Hechos - 2012 - El Verdadero Cambio Climático

- Final Mayan Calendar Steps to 2012 - The Beginning of The Sixth Night

- Global Warming, The War on Terrorism, and The Extraterrestrial Link to "Planet X"

- Half of Humanity Ascends to 5th Dimension on March 21, 2013 - Expert ET Contactee

- Holes in Earth's Magnetic Cloak Let The Sun In

- Hyperdimensional Nebulae - Cubes in Space and the 2012 Case

- Implosion Point

- Información Cósmica

- In the Roots of the Milky Way Tree - The Mayan Lord of Creation and 2012

- La Ciencia Después del 2012 - Entrevista con Gregg Braden

- La Ley Universal Apoya Colapso de la Economía en 2011, la Ascensión en 2012 - Dice Científico

- La Mitad de La Humanidad Asciende a la 5ª Dimensión el 21 de Marzo de 2013 - Dicen Expertos en Contactos Extraterrestres

- Link to Sun Spot 2012 Cataclysm Material - Mega Sun Spot Cycle

- Looking Ahead - 2010-2015

- Los Cambios Anunciados... ¡Toman Su Tiempo!

- Los Cambios Terrestres del 2012 Hasta el 2016 Están Acercándose Rápidamente

- Los Mayas Predijeron El Final de Una Era en 2012 - No Necesariamente Del Mundo

- Magnetic Tips

- Mayan Prophecies and Calendar

- Mayans Predicted The End of An Era in 2012 - Not Necessarily of The World

- Mayan “Statements” and Beliefs About 2012 - The Evidence

- Mensajes de Otro Tiempo… - Las Profecías de Juan de Jerusalén

- Mirando Hacia Adelante - 2010-2015

- Neutrinos and 2012

- Obama Release of UFO Files Will Prepare Humanity For 2012 Solar Waves

- On The Mayan Calendar

- Out From Under Majestic - Dan Burisch Uncensored - A Video Interview with Dan Burisch

- Pole Shift & Pole Reversal in 2012

- Predicted Mass UFO Sighting - Will it Force Disclosure to Occur?

- Prophecies of Mother Shipton for The Future

- Safe Locations - Dialog with the Zetas on the Relative Safety of Locations around the World...

- Secret Plan To Kill Internet by 2012 Leaked?

- Shift of Ages

- Sistema Solar Entrando a Una Peligrosa Nube de Energía Interestelar

- Solar System Entering Dangerous Interstellar Energy Cloud

- Stargate: 2004-2012 - Venus Transit

- Sun and Earth 2012 Polar Shifts

- Talking to Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy - Paranexus Radio Interview Transcript

- The 33 Arks of Soul Resonance - Investment Futures

- The Ascension-Transformation-Evolution Process - Main File

- The Atlantean Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati - from Atlantis to 2012

- The Biggest World Change Secret - Jake Simpson

- The Complete WebBot ALTA 1309 Report 2009 - INCLUDING PART 6

- The Crossroads of Planetary Destiny - Introduction to The Tree Most Significant Channeling Sources Published

- The Earth Changes of 2012 Through 2016 Are Fast Approaching

- The Eschaton

- The Four Yugas

- The Great Solar Cycle and Beyond

- The How And Why Of The Mayan End Date In 2012 A.D.

- The Institute for Human Continuity a Hoax!

- The Killshot - Solar Flares Heading Towards Earth

- The Mayan Calendar Ends on December 21, 2012 - What does this mean?

- The Mayan Calendar: Prophecy – The Sun – The Millennium And Man's Future

- The Message of the Stargates

- The Photon-Belt Encounter

- The Return of The Nine - 2012

- The Road to Ascension - A Video Interview With D. Wilcock

- The Science Behind 2012 - Interview with Gregg Braden

- The Solstice Gateways and the Polar-to-Solar Shift

- The Tablet of Destiny - Omens in The Skywriting for 2012

- The Web Bot Project and 2012

- The Writing on The Wall

- Ultimate Secret of The Mayan Calendar

- Un Ingeniero Eléctrico Sobre el 2012-2013 - Testimonio de un Denunciante

- Universal Law Supports Collapse of Economy in 2011, Ascension in 2012 - Scientist Says

- Volviéndose un Ser Multidimensional

- What is the Galactic Alignment?

- Why The Creation Cycles Do Not End December 21, 2012 but October 28, 2011 - Mayan Long Count Calendar

- Will Extraterrestrial “Disclosure” or Contact Happen in 2012?

- Zero Sunspots - Global Consciousness, Solar Activity and 2012



- El Cataclismo Mundial de 2012 - por Patrick Geryl

- El Factor Maya - Un Camino Más Allá de La Tecnología - por José Argüelles

- La Profecía de Orión - por Patrick Geryl

- The Healing Sun Code - The Secret Science And Religion of The Galactic Core and The Rebirth of Earth In 2012 - by William Henry



- 2012 - Entrada En El Cinturon Fotonico

- 2012 - Los Cambios Son Ahora...

- 2012 - Project Camelot interviews Patrick Geryl

- 2012 Revolution - World Awakening

- 2012 - The Future of Mankind

- 2012 Visión Remota - ¿Está Usted en Una Línea de Tiempo Catastrófica o Positiva?

- Apocalypse 2012

- Conspiracy Theory - 2012 - Jesse Ventura

- Cosmic and Earth Changes - LaViolette's Theory of Galactic Superwave - Earth Under Fire

- Decoding The Past - Doomsday 2012

- End of The Web Bot?!

- Everything 2012 - Earth Changes

- Exopolitics EarthTransformation Conference 2008 - Alex Collier

- Galactic Alignment in 2012 Feared to Cause Pole Shift 2008-2015

- Hopi Prophecy Rock - 2012 The End of Times - It's The End Of The World As We Know It

- How 2012 "Enlightenment" Could Lead To Genocide

- Jaque Mate - El Periódico Que Sólo Saldrá Una Vez

- Jerry Wills, Council of World's Extraterrestrial From Tau Ceti, Speaks His Truth on 2012

- Jerry Wills y Alfred Webre - 2012 y Futuro Extraterrestre

- Kokopelli ... And the End of Time - The 2012 Conference & Futurism Summit

- Kokopelli... Y el Fin de Los Tiempos - Conferencia y Futurismo Cumbre del 2012

- Las Profecías Mayas

- Last News From Bill Deagle - Phone Interview

- Lost Books of Nostradamus - 2012 and Ophiuchus

- Major Solar Storms in 2012 - Scientists Said

- Mas Allá del 2012 - Creando Nuestra Realidad

- NASA-Kennedy-Obama Connection to 2012

- New NASA South Pole Telescope Images of Nibiru Planet X 2012

- Nibiru-Planet X Photos Taken January 2008 - Study Findings

- Nostradamus - 2012

- Planet X-Nibiru 2012 Flyby Scenarios - February 2009 Report

- Profecía Maya y Película 2012 en Cuarto Milenio

- Pyramid Power and 2012 - Valery Uvarov

- Surviving 2012 and Planet X

- SuperWave Theory - 2012 Earth Changes

- The 2012 Enigma

- The Hyperdimensional Election of Barack Obama and 2012

- The Killshot - Solar Flares Heading Towards Earth

- The Secret of Vatican 2012

- The Shift of The Ages

- U.S. Covers Up Ancient Info Detailing End of Times!

- What's So Special About 2012? - Graham Hancock Interviewed by Art Bell


Related Reports

- ALTA Process Predictions - HalfPastHuman and Clif High - Main File

- Area 51 Microbiologist Dr. Dan Burisch - Main File

- Astrosciences - Exploring The Mysteries of The Universe

- Bringers of The Dawn - Mensajeros del Alba

- Cambios Dramáticos en Nuestro Sol - Main File

- CoEVOLUTION - An Interplanetary Adventure

- Consciousness And The Conscious Universe - Main File

- Denver International Airport and Its Murals - Main File

- Dramatic Changes in Our Sun - Main File

- Earth Changes - Main File

- El Cinturon de Fotones - The Photon Belt - Main File

- Galactic Superwave - Paul LaViolette - Main File

- Las Profecías y El Futuro - Main File

- Los Cambios Geneticos - Main File

- Nibiru - Planeta X - Main File

- Nostradamus - Michel de Notredame - Main File

- Popol Vuh

- Profecias - Main File

- RA - The Material and The Law of One - Main File

- The Cassiopaeans Logs - Cassiopaeans Transcripts from 1994 to 2002

- The End of Our Century

- William Henry - Main File

- Zeitgeist - Main File

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Return to The Tzolkin Maya

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