martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

In Ancient Egypt, Canaan revisited without Israel

In Ancient Egypt, Canaan revisited without Israel. by:Dr. Ashraf Ezzat] 1

In Ancient Egypt, Canaan revisited without Israel. by:Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
by Abdo Tounsi
In Ancient Egypt, Canaan revisited without Israel March 17, 2012 “Take Egypt out and the whole structure of the Israelites’ tale would instantly fall.” Dr. Ashraf Ezzat Did you know that Egypt is mentioned in the Holy Bible approximately 700 times (Egypt: 595 times, Egyptian(s): 120 times). Obviously, Egypt must have played a vital [...]

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Abdo Tounsi | 19/03/2012 at 8:15 | Etiquetas: ENGLISH, Semites, YouTube, Zionism | Categorías: History, Palestaine, Semites, Videos | URL:

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