viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

Netanyahu-Obama Talks Aftermath: Alert in Tel Aviv

Netanyahu-Obama Talks Aftermath: Alert in Tel Aviv

Never in the field of human conflict was so much suffered by so many due to so few

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Dayan: Like Pravda; Mesika: Police Hallucinates “Returning to tomorrow’s crucial meeting between Netanyahu and Obama, it is difficult to see how can they coerce each other into war. Despite all the macho-talk and their beating on their chests, gorilla-style, neither of them would endanger their violent fiefdoms for the sake of a questionable victory. Most probably, the talks will end with yet another threatening statement against Iran, while both leaders thank God that Iranians pose no threat. Pax Iraniana is in the air.” That was the last paragraph of The Netanyahu-Obama Talks, an article I published the day before the talks that took place on March 5, 2012. Accordingly, they ended with an agreement between the two leaders not to attack Iran. However, Netanyahu’s discourse at AIPAC, on the same day, was very different. He used the opportunity to answer President Obama’s request to give him more time for diplomacy. “We’ve waited for diplomacy to work. We’ve waited for sanctions to work. None of us can afford to wait much longer,” said Netanyahu. There was more than that in Bibi’s disturbing speech. He mentioned the Holocaust as a basis for his government’s policy, essentially comparing Iran to Nazi Germany. “The Jewish state will not allow those seeking our destruction to possess the means to achieve that goal,” he said in a frightening unconditional statement. This was an undated war declaration. Four days after this obnoxious text was uttered, the IDF announced an improved alert system for its Home Front Command and Meir Dagan, former Mossad Director, rushed to extinguish the wild fire lit by Netanyahu.

Netanyahu at AIPAC
March 5, 2012

Did Netanyahu Push Armageddon’s Button?

Home Front Command Drill in Tel Aviv
In the Background, Armageddon’s Trigger
Seldom does the military give details on its communications systems. Much before cellular phones became the norm, the IDF had a transition system called “Even Yekara” (“Precious Stone,” in Hebrew). The system looked like an old fashioned landline (though its phones were red), but it was connected to an aerial transmission system. It allowed top-secret level talks, as well as bypassing lower level ones. If two low level officers were talking and a senior officer wanted to speak with one of them, he could cut their talk by pressing a button; in the 1980s, this was considered sophisticated. “The Red Phone,” as it was usually called, was never mentioned outside the army. Its ubiquitous antennas were covered with white cloth, so that the transmission frequencies (apparently four in parallel) couldn’t be calculated by spies. Considering this, you can understand my surprise when today, March 9, 2012, I found an article in Haaretz describing new updates to the Castle Lake, the Home Front Command events monitoring software.

The report claims that the IDF has acquired a new system that will let it see where a missile has landed. The system is a modification of an existing command-and-control system called Castle Lake, which gives details on the location of Israeli forces and of enemy targets, from rocket launchers to enemy commanders. The modified Castle Lake will display a map of Israel on which every hitting missile will be marked. The system will provide data on the strike point, the type of the missile used, how much damage it caused, and other details that will enable commanders to factor developments on the home front into their operational decisions. The picture attached to the report (see above), showed a Search & Rescue drill held recently by the Home Front Command in Tel Aviv. In the background of the picture can be seen two of the Azrieli Center towers, Armageddon’s Trigger. The timing is clear; following Netanyahu’s belligerency, the IDF is preparing the Israeli public for a disastrous war.

This came just days after IDF’s Military Intelligence (AMAN) Director Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, speaking at the annual Herzliya Conference, warned that there are currently some 200,000 rockets and missiles aimed at Israel. He estimated that most of these missiles have a maximum range of 40 kilometers, but thousands of them have ranges of hundreds of kilometers. “These ranges cover all of Gush Dan [Tel Aviv’s Metropolitan Area], [for missiles launched] from Syria, Lebanon and Iran,” said Kochavi. “The warheads on these missiles are becoming ever more deadly, weighing hundreds of kilograms. They are becoming ever more accurate, and the entire network is becoming more dispersed, more concealed, and more integrated into an urban environment. Every tenth house in Lebanon has a missile arsenal or a launching pad.”

Kochavi acknowledged that at least 1.5 million Israelis will lack appropriate access to shelters; the reality is probably much worse. During the Second Lebanon War of 2006, some 4,000 rockets were launched at Israel. The IDF expects the number of missile launches in the next war to be ten times that figure, of which it expects several thousand to actually hit: around 7,500 to 10,000 short-range rockets, 1,800 to 2,300 medium-range rockets and some 300 long-range rockets. It predicts that these missiles will kill about 200 civilians and destroy thousands of homes. By making this public, Kochavi is performing another step in the preparation of the Israeli public to the war announced by Netanyahu.

Bibi’s analysis is weird. He prefers missiles landing on Tel Aviv to nukes resting in Iranian bunkers. Let me paraphrase Winston Churchill: “Never in the field of human conflict was so much suffered by so many due to so few.” Benjamin Netanyahu is knowingly bringing upon humanity an unnecessary war, which will look like no war before it.

Unnecessary War

Everybody with a minimal knowledge of what is happening in the Middle East understands a war between Israel and Iran is unnecessary. Iran is not threatening Israel, though it is stating its right to defend itself if attacked. The Islamic Republic of Iran has never attacked another country. Even the manipulative CIA agrees that the Iranian army is defensive in nature. Even the Mossad agrees on that.

Two days from now, on March 11, American CBS will broadcast Meir Dagan’s first interview to American media. Let me thank CBS for making the interview available before that on the internet. Here it is:

Make no mistake, Dagan was speaking for the Mossad. Mossad officers are banned from speaking to the media; thus if this terror organization wants to make something public formally, it uses its former officers. Dagan—the previous Mossad Director—told CBS that he does not believe that now is the time to attack Iran’s nuclear program. Dagan tells 60 Minutes’ Lesley Stahl that the regime in Iran is a rational one. When asked whether Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is rational, Dagan responded that he was. This is the opposite of what Netanyahu was claiming in AIPAC’s meeting.

He added that he doesn’t think Israel should strike Iran’s nuclear industry anytime soon, an attack that would have to include “a large number of targets.” In other words—as claimed for a long time in this website—he unwillingly acknowledged Israel lacks the capability to destroy Iran’s military industry. If it could, there is no doubt it would have already done so. “If you need to shoot, shoot, don’t talk,” is a long time favorite quote of the Israeli leadership. In previous articles on the topic, I brought public statements by IDF generals agreeing with Dagan’s assessment.

The interview was interesting also because Dagan didn’t negate Israel’s intervention in Iran’s inner affairs. He said that instead of military action, the West should concentrate on instigating regime change in Iran. “It’s our duty to help anyone who likes to present an open opposition against their regime in Iran,” says Dagan. When asked by 60 Minutes whether Israel had supported the youth groups that held protests across Iran after the last round of Iranian elections, Dagan refused to answer. In military-Hebrew jargon, this is as good as acknowledging the event.

Let me paraphrase Dagan: I believe the regime in Israel is a rational one. I believe Netanyahu and the Zionist leadership are rational people. Yet, Netanyahu is clearly pushing towards war with Iran. He didn’t condition his declaration of a future war during AIPAC’s meeting. Yet, He prefers missiles landing on Tel Aviv to nukes resting in Iranian bunkers. One should be more worried about an American nuke killing innocent children than about Iranian ones; Americans have done that already twice. Thus, Mr. Netanyahu, Lord of the Flies, can you enlighten us on your belligerent strategy? Your country would clearly be a victim of such a war; thus you are not working for your county. For whom are you working?

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