miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Germany Creates New Nuclear Front in the Middle East The Cross of Bethlehem The Cross of Bethlehem II: Back in Bethlehem UN: Israel is Terror Is Israel Sovereign? Freedom Flotilla Winning Without Weapons Search This Website Donate New in the Website Germany Creates New Nuclear Front in the Middle East Mubarak Sentenced to Life in Prison; Is Netanyahu Next? Evolution and 9/11 Flame, Stuxnet and You Summer Heats up Jewish Wars Warsaw Ghetto, Israel Ghetto Everything is Quiet along the Iranian-Israeli Border Criminal Charges Placed against IDF General Ashkenazi New Babylon Tel Aviv’s Black Tower Hunting down Ashkenazi Facebook IPO Fails Mossad Islamic Jihad Takes the Lead in Gaza Gas in La Paz Rabbi accused of bribery appointed Head of Jerusalem Rabbinical Court Nakba Day and Israel’s Ministry of Thought Control USA to Announce Additional Funding to Israeli Missiles “Juden Raus!” says Israel Netanyahu Nukes Obama Shaul Mofaz Walks to Canossa Netanyahu’s Barbarossa Terror in Tel Aviv A New Shoah From Tehran to Tel Aviv in 7 Minutes Israel Military Censor hits the USA If Obama wins, will Israel attack Iran? Isra-bluff Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty Gassed-Out Is this Israel's last Independence Day? Peres Claws Holocaust Argentina Endangers Euro West and Iran Step Closer to Agreement; Israel Worried Obama’s End? Israel Supports Romney Germany’s Humiliation Israel’s Lost Right On the Cross: Easter and the Jews Greece Joins Gas Alliance Settler Agent 007: Hebron House Hoax Upheaval in Ariel Sharon’s Party New Israeli Embassy in Cairo is Announced USA Thwarts Israeli Attack on Iran Slicing Syria Israel Hits Back at UN, Palestine and Germany Rising Ottoman Six Million Ships Six Million Submarines Obama Bluffs Netanyahu Armageddon’s Alliance Western Psikhushka Killed Demjanjuk Azerbaijan-Israel: A Shia—Jewish Alliance Obama, Bamba and the Logo Wars Thais Hit by Gaza’s Fire Scary Sicarii: Israeli Extrajudicial Executions 1981—2012: From Dolphinarium to Joseph’s Tomb Vietnamizing Israel India Strikes Israel Military Industries Honoring Evil Netanyahu Wags the Dog Shilo’s Wild Wolves Arab Justice Rejects Israeli Anthem Greece’s Fadeaway: Iran and Israel Battle over Cyprus USA Denies Visa to Jewish Knesset Member Anne Frank’s Cult Backfires Israeli Supreme Court Cancels Discriminatory Law Grad Missile Hits Beer Sheva Inventing Jerusalem NATO-Israel Joint Drill: Access Codes Promoting Armageddon: On Rabbi Kaduri’s Note Western Blueprint The Price Tag of Israel’s Doublethink Reviving Burma Road Israel’s Eugenics Program: Dr. Mengele Blues Minority Report: IDF arrests Palestinian prisoner released in Shalit swap Yitzhak Obama Israeli Iron Dome Threatens North Korea Venezuela, Iran, China and the Axis of Piracy Israel is a Golem Jewish Setback in Berkeley The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and Us Israel’s War on Mosques Israelis say: “A Good Arab is a Dead Arab” Mattot Arim and the Jewish Extremists Clockwork Is Netanyahu an Iranian Spy? IDF Makes Justice Israel and the Jewish Fatherland Law No Water to Arabs Operation Free Britain Trapped between Jewish Vampires and Goldman Sachs Noam Chomsky: The United States is a Leading Terrorist State American Led Apocalypse The Next Neighbor: Netanyahu and the PKK Media Manipulation, Libya and Western Lies Israel’s Black Sunday Roy Tov Declared Political Prisoner in Bolivia Rabbinical Fake: 6000 Differences Kibbutz 2011: Sin and Sentence The Nastiest Nazi Escaping Zion: Matrix, WWII and Now To Obama, from Geronimo Netanyahu: Between Uganda and Argentina Humanism Fanatics; Gullible Christians Dayan: Like Pravda; Mesika: Police Hallucinates German Dolphin Submarine | Israel and Pakistan as Nuclear Opponents On June 3, 2012, in the Sunday edition of the German Der Spiegel, the Editor-in-Chief Georg Mascolo wrote that “months-long research proves that the submarines Germany supplies to the Israeli navy make use of equipment capable of carrying nuclear weapons;” the article claims that this was confirmed by German officials. This statement contradicts earlier remarks by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who said that the vessels cannot carry nuclear weapons. The contradicting statements apparently damage Germany’s position. Yet, an important clue explaining the contradiction was hidden in the article. Der Spiegel disclosed that Germany is conducting negotiations with Pakistan over the sale of nuclear submarines. This means that the German intent now is to change the public status of these submarines. Apparently the time for the signature of the agreement with Pakistan is approaching. Keeping the nuclear capabilities of these submarines secret once another country purchases them would have been practically impossible; especially when the two countries purchasing them are not on friendly terms. Germany probably chose the timing of this disclosure as an answer to Israel’s recent purposeful insults towards Germany (see Germany’s Humiliation). In any case, a new front is being opened in the Middle East, this one is certified as being the quietest of all. German Dolphin-class subs are even quieter than nuclear-propelled submarines. RAFAEL’s Popeye Missile Nuclear Warhead Netanyahu’s Fast and Humble Reaction Israeli Dolphin Coincidences exist; yet, it is difficult to consider as a coincidence an urgent interview given two days later, on June 5, by Israel’s Prime Minister to Kai Diekmann, Chief Editor of the German tabloid Bild, Europe’s most popular newspaper, in Jerusalem. Netanyahu said in the interview that the “submarines supplied by Germany to Israel are a very important addition to our national security,” and that “through them, [Germany] demonstrates its commitment to Israel’s security.” He also said that he attributes “great seriousness to Germany’s concern for Israel’s security.” Netanyahu forgot to mention Der Spiegel scoop; even stranger was that he didn’t mention Pakistan. This is quite odd for an otherwise ultra-aggressive Netanyahu, to the extent of irradiating an almost apologetic attitude. On March 2012, at Israel’s embassy in Berlin, Israel and Germany signed an agreement for the supply of the sixth Dolphin class submarine to Israel. The agreement was achieved after a delay caused by Germany's conditioning the deal on concessions to the Palestinian Authority. On December 2011, the German Welt am Sonntag claimed Germany had told Israel the previous November that it could not go ahead with the sixth submarine purchase unless Israel transferred the frozen Palestinian budget to its legal owner, the Palestinian Authority (see Sanctions on Israel Redeem Germany). An upset Netanyahu surrendered on November 27 and opened the way to the last leg of the negotiations process, which ended in March. As analyzed in Six Million Submarines, these submarines are the most strategic and expensive weapons owned by Israel. They form the basis for its second strike capabilities, its capability to respond to an initial nuclear attack. Germany helped Israel in its dearest project by providing state-of-the-art technology and the financial means needed to purchase it. In May 2012, the fourth Dolphin submarine—the first in the second batch of three—was supplied to Israel. There are talks about a new agreement on three more submarines; this would increase the Israeli fleet of U-Boats to a total of nine by the end of this decade. Yet, while the ink on the new submarine agreement was still drying, Israel announced on March 25, a planned re-freezing of the Palestinian budget. The offensive move was strengthened by a decision to ban the Human Rights Council of the UN. “Ignore all phone calls from Rights Council Commissioner,” said Israel’s Foreign Affairs Minister to the Israeli envoy in Geneva (see Israel Hits Back at UN, Palestine and Germany). Israel humiliated Germany thrice. First, by unfreezing Palestinian monies in order to reach an agreement on the sixth submarine, and then re-freezing the money right after signing the agreement; this was followed by the cultural banning of Germany. Israel declared German Nobel laureate Gunter Grass persona non grata in Israel, and the Israeli Opera rejected Richard Wagner’s music as an overture for a show by a U.K.-based Israeli choreographer (see Germany’s Humiliation). Germany seized the opportunity to unofficially announce the new deal with Pakistan. This is a game-changer for Israel. By the end of this decade, a new nuclear front will exist in the Middle East. Pakistan and Israel Pakistan does not officially recognize Israel, though there is no an active war between the two countries. Yet, Pakistan is a nuclear country which is involved in an active war-race with India. Both countries are said to have a nuclear arsenal of the same order of magnitude Israel has (see Hiroshima, Tel Aviv: The December 2012 NPT Conference). Until now, Pakistan’s second strike capabilities were limited, thus calming Israel’s fears. In this context it is relevant to mention that Pakistan backs the same nuclear strategy as India, what is known as “Credible Minimum Deterrence.” This means it formally declares “no first use” of nuclear weapons while keeping a “second strike” capability. Known as “minimal deterrence,” this is opposed to the “mutually assured destruction” policy of the Cold War. If Germany also supplies Dolphin submarines to Pakistan, the latter is assured of its second strike capabilities against Israel. The weapons’ systems being purchased by Israel and Pakistan are formidable and apparently unmatched in their technical capabilities. The new German submarines feature an air-independent propulsion system which uses hydrogen fuel cells; this is safer than previous closed-cycle diesel engines and steam turbines, cheaper than a nuclear reactor, and quieter than both. The boats leave an undetectable exhaust of water in the sea, leaving no fuel traces during use, storage or refueling. This improved propulsion system is of undisclosed performance, but according to sources in the Israeli Ministry of Defense, it gives the boats capabilities similar to those of nuclear submarines in their range. As explained in Six Million Ships, almost every point on the planet is accessible to a nuclear attack from such a submarine. Arrogance of Power Benjamin Netanyahu—as the entire Israeli leadership—is notorious for his arrogance of power and violence. “I have the power, so I can do whatever I like, regardless of the law,” is their motto. These are not my words; the term “Arrogance of Power” was used in relation to Israel by Justice Goldstone in his report on Operation Cast Lead to the UN Human Rights Council, which defined Israel as a terror-inflicting organization. They are so used to their arrogance, that they didn’t hesitate to openly insult Germany—one of their best allies—time and again. The same attitude can be seen—though on a lower tone—towards Israel’s main ally, the USA, see Obama, Bamba and the Logo Wars.Yet, things change. The world is getting tired of what can only be defined as a nation that worships violence. Germany’s response was swift; a few years from now, Israel will face a new nuclear front. The answer of Germany’s Minister of Defense to the accusation that Germany is acting against Israel’s interests was astonishing: “Pakistan is the West’s partner in the War on Terror.” As of now, this has been enough to provide us with a refreshing glimpse into a much humbler Israel. + + + On Bad Faith and Cold Hearts I've been declared a Political Prisoner in Bolivia. I’m held in Bolivia illegitimately, violently and against my will; please make this public in any possible way. Gas in La Paz Evo Morales, TIPNIS and Illusions of Green Roy Tov Declared Political Prisoner in Bolivia Evo I of Cocaland is not the 99% Detaining Democracy Roy Tov Detained by Bolivia Evo Morales Defeated by a Crying Mosetano Girl Bolivia Acknowledges Torturing Its Own Citizens The Perfume of Poison The Drugslord Double Defeat Fact: Israel Poisons Prisoner in Bolivia An Attack’s Anatomy: On Israeli Terror On Suma Qhana and a Bad Pastor: Wilson Acho and Justino Choque $20000 for Your Daughter Broken Arms Nazi Bolivia: A Plea for Public Action New!The Cross of Bethlehem II: Back in Bethlehem Nazi Bolivia: A Plea for Public Action Please join the website’s email list by sending me an email to tovroy@aol.com Recently Added Applet - Help me populate the map! 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