lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

Stop Israel Nuclear | Join global campaign.

Mi blog en varios idiomas مدونتي بعدة لغات InicioRecientes المُستجداتEspañolPalestinaMundo Sin FronterasHistoria y personajesعربيفلسطينالعالم اليومتاريخ و شخصياتTunSol تونسولEquipo الفريقVideos أشرطهComunicación تواصل « لنرفع مليون صوت إلى هئية الامم | Join global campaign. Sign upUN MILLION DE VOIX À L’ONU | Join global campaign. Sign up » Stop Israel Nuclear | Join global campaign. Sign up i Rate This Stop Israel Nuclear | Join global campaign. Sign up ONE MILLION VOICES IN (Sign petition) Since the UN Resolution 3263 (XXIX) was adopted in 1974, urging the establishment of a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction, there were numerous occasions when the United Nations and other international organizations reiterated the same call… and many others that failed in their purpose. The last one, the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) urged to convene a Conference in 2012 in order to start the process, but once again, this initiative was boycotted by Israel and the USA. The declaration of the Middle East as a nuclear-weapon-free-zone would introduce Israel’s accession to the NPT under the nuclear-weapon-free status and the placement of all its nuclear facilities under the International Atomic Energy Agency’s safeguards (IAEA), as the other states in the region have already done. If Israel accepted IAEA inspections of all its nuclear facilities, the United Nations Security Council would know the real magnitude of danger that these supposedly secret stockpiles represent and would be compelled to take measures to remove this threat looming over the fragile peace in the area. However, nothing is as it should be. With its senseless and selfish irresponsibility, the United Nations Security Council gives a green light to Israel to increase its nuclear power uncontrolled, refrains from enforcing its own resolutions and indicates an inability to avoid a catastrophe of easily foreseeable consequences. But this irresponsible passivity and its murky interests are not going to hinder citizens everywhere to embrace the safeguard of peace and demand unanimously that the United Nations Security Council take the necessary measures to compel Israel to accept IAEA inspections of its nuclear facilities. To see the text to be dispatched to the UN, click here. vía Stop Israel Nuclear | Join global campaign. Sign up. Share this/ Compartir/ إنقله إلى:Me gusta:Me gustaSé el primero en decir que te gusta esta post.Boicot, ENGLISH, Zionism This entry was posted on 03/06/2012, 12:19 and is filed under BDS, Palestaine. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. 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Sign up Conferencia del libro: “El agua - Palestina hoy” - Gustavo Rojana Top Clicks --- الروابط الاكثر مُشاهد abdotounsi.files.wordpres…… ¡¡¡Pídeles a Sabina y Serrat que no actúen en Israel!!! 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