martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Local fear and ignorance in the rise of Donald Trump

Martin Luther King on ignoranceLawrence Davidson explains how Americans can vote for a charlatan such as Donald Trump in terms of the “30-mile phenomenon, that is, ignorance of and indifference towards what goes on beyond the 30-mile radius of where they live. Read more [...]

Donald Trump’s moment: Will it last?

Donald Trump looking monkey-likeLawrence Davidson considers whether Donald Trump will try to meet his campaign pledges and bankrupt the country and alienating traditional US allies, or slot himself into the existing political system in Washington and thereby lose his domestic supporters. Read more [...]

American liberals unleashed the Trump monster

Donald Trump with a clenched fistJonathan Cook argues that the reason Donald Trump is heading to the Oval Office is because the US Democratic Party rigged the primaries to ensure that a candidate who could have beaten Trump, Bernie Sanders, did not get on the ticket. Read more [...]

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