jueves, 5 de enero de 2017

Wed Jan 4, 2017 5:37PM
Sheikh Naim Qassim, the deputy secretary general of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement, speaks at a ceremony commemorating the first anniversary of the Riyadh regime’s execution of prominent Shia cleric, Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr, in Beirut on January 4, 2017. (Photo by al-Ahed News)
Sheikh Naim Qassim, the deputy secretary general of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement, speaks at a ceremony commemorating the first anniversary of the Riyadh regime’s execution of prominent Shia cleric, Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr, in Beirut on January 4, 2017. (Photo by al-Ahed News)
The deputy secretary general of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement says Saudi Arabia is seeking to eliminate the Palestinian cause through normalizing ties with Israel.
Sheikh Naim Qassim made the comments at a ceremony commemorating the first anniversary of the Riyadh regime’s execution of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr, in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, on Wednesday.
Qassim described Sheikh Nimr as a supporter of Palestine, resistance and Islamic values, saying he was killed due to his opposition to oppression.
The Saudi clergyman had accused Riyadh of being the major cause of the crisis in the region, and at the same time not tolerating others’ views and maintaining a tyranny at home and interfering in the domestic affairs of regional states, Qassim added.
Saudi Arabia executed Sheikh Nimr on January 2, 2016 in defiance of international calls to release him. The highly respected cleric was charged with undermining the kingdom’s security, making anti-government speeches, and defending political prisoners. Nimr had denied the accusations.
A Bahraini protester holds up a picture of Saudi Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr toward a police officer in Daih, Bahrain, on January 4, 2016. (Photo by AP)
The Saudi kingdom suppresses liberal movements and violates human rights and freedom of expression, the Hezbollah official noted, stressing that the Al Saud dynasty is involved in a crackdown on Bahraini anti-regime protesters.
He further accused the kingdom having the process of electing a new president in Lebanon postponed and causing chaos there.
Lebanese lawmakers approved the new cabinet last December, less than two months after the parliament elected Michel Aoun, a strong Hezbollah ally, as president. Aoun’s election ended a 29-month-long political stalemate in the country.
Comentarios (8)
10 horas hace
Al_ Saud family are known to be a Jewish Zionist installed By British rewarded because they fought Ottoman and defeated them those who are familiar with history they know.
16 horas hace
There are Many Fake, Installed Govs and Hidden Enemies of Isalm inside the Govs. WATCH OUT.
19 horas hace
Saudi government are hypocrites
19 horas hace
The House of Saud made their Decision to be on the Wrong side of 
History along with Israel. History is like a Train, you get on it, or you
get out of the Way, Saudi Arabia and Israel are Standing in the way
of the Train of Freedom, and that Train is Not Stoppable.
21 hora hace
Poor Obama...(?)....he starts his presidency with good intentions...he has promptly surrounded...Emmanuel made his covert perversion job (now Donald is heavily surrounded by Goldman Sachs)...but well, baby O fired ultra arrogant H Rodham C, take until conclusion JOPCA and order infamous Samantha to abstain...exposing, legally way I suppose, publicly, for the first time!, the full illegality and illegitimate position of meta-satanic occupiers...no mater this last event, ultra barbaric "Sa(u)d Arabia" is nearing (still more) to parasitic entity, obviously but not necessarily evident, supporting Palestinian slow roasting genocide...shame on them all. Tank you father Qassim for clearly pointing where it must be done, of course extensive to PTV. PD Obviously AA BHO is finishing his mandate in total disarray and in a state of mental confusion (presidents must obey under stated, insinuated orders!), but if history is a guide, an AA is different from a puritan)...but I do not jump to conclusions, and ask God to be as nimble as father Q...time will tell
23 horas hace
Do a google search on "How Bitcoin Can Help Gaza".
23 horas hace
People like Sheikh Nimr comes one in a while , Pretty sure that his soul is with God , Jesus , Imam Hussein , that was a vicious execution from the Saudis . The Saudis are afraid of the people that represent the wishes of God .
> Ramón19 horas hace
The Good Lord in Heaven sends them as needed. There are plenty more Sheikh Nimrs where he came from.

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