lunes, 29 de mayo de 2017

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Ex-CIA Agent: «Israel» Is Dangerous
Local EditorPaul R. Pillar is not your typical guy. He spent twenty-eight years in the CIA and is now a non-resident senior fellow at Georgetown University's Center for Security Studies. He graduated from Oxford University and then received a Ph.D. from Princeton in 1971 and 1987, respectively.
Former CIA agent Paul Pillar
Pillar had implicitly argued that the "Israeli' entity had become its worst enemy by playing double standards in the political landscape, particularly with respect to its nuclear weapons. And by siding with terrorist regimes in the Middle East, the Trump administration had actually taken "sides in the Middle East."
Back in 2014, Pillar wrote: "That the United States is so out of step on this subject with the rest of the world is taken by the rest of the world as one more example of double standards that the United States applies to shield ‘Israel'."
He went on, "Even further, it is taken as not just a double standard but living a lie. Whatever the United States says about nuclear weapons will always be taken with a grain of salt or with some measure of disdain as long as the United States says nothing about kumquats [one of ‘Israel's' nuclear programs]."
Pillar added, "We have the spectacle of the government of ‘Israel' being by far the most energetic rabble-rouser on the subject of a possible Iranian nuclear weapon, to the extent of repeatedly threatening to attack Iran militarily."
"Some might call this irony; others would call it chutzpah. Anyone would be entitled to say that any state that not only refuses to become a party to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty [NPT] or to subject any of its nuclear activities to any kind of international inspection or control but also already possesses kumquats or their equivalents has no standing to conduct such agitation about Iran, which is a party to the NPT, has already subjected its nuclear activities to an unprecedented degree of intrusive inspection, and is in the process of negotiating an agreement to place even further limits on its nuclear program to ensure it stays peaceful," the ex-CIA agent said.
Pillar said that "‘Israeli' officials have boxed themselves into a corner by trying to force a foreign policy on Iran while they are not willing to apply the same policy in ‘Israel'," explaining that "Iran signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty, but ‘Israel' didn't; Iran allows inspections, ‘Israel' does not allow any inspections whatsoever. ‘Israel' does not even want to discuss the issue."
The veteran CIA agent explains that "despite the fact that both US intelligence and ‘Israeli' communities agree that Iran is not developing nuclear weapons," the "Israeli" entity and the "Zionist machine" kept saying that Iran was deceiving the West.
Even though they knew that Iran did not have weapons of mass destruction, they still believed in November 2012 that Iran could have other weapons somewhere!
David Sanger of the New York Times was quick to title one of his articles "Iran's Fordow Nuclear Complex Reaches Capacity.
In other words, we are back to the same old propaganda machine that led us to Iraq. According to Zionist propaganda, the "Israeli" entity's existential threat was Iraq, but now it is Iran.
For his part, "Israeli" PM Benjamin Netanyahu blamed Western powers for even trying to come up with a reasonable proposal with Iran. The so-called "Strategic Affairs Minister" Moshe Ya'alon said something similar, declaring that Iran is playing games with the West while it is building its bomb.
This is no surprise at all, for Iran had tried this in 2004 and in 2005, demonstrating that it was ready to compromise its nuclear program and even convert all its nuclear energy to fuel rods if the US would support it. Under such a program, the IAEA would be free to check any undeclared facilities.
Some officials in England were even willing to admit that Iran was reaching out to the West. Peter Jenkins, British representative to the IAEA and member of the British delegation to Paris, declared, "All of us were impressed by the proposal."
But the US, under Bush, dismissed the offer and wanted Iran to shut down all its nuclear programs. England followed suit. "The British objective was to eliminate entirely Iran's enrichment capability," Jenkins continued.

After months of propaganda by the Zionist machine, Western powers denied Iran the right to even keep its 20 percent uranium for medical and power plant purposes. Iranian officials then refused to give up that 20 percent, with good reason, saying, "We have no reason to cede on 20 percent, because we produce only as much of the 20 percent fuel as we need. No more, no less."
In order to maintain their total shutdown position, the IAEA had to propagate the idea that Iran is building hundreds of enrichment machines to increase their uranium capabilities, finally concluding that Iran was the one being unreasonable. Some Western officials see the illogical leap of this but they remain silent. The only country that has been vocal in their stand against going to war against a sovereign country such as Iran is Russia.
Moreover, it has been reported that 20 percent "highly enriched uranium," which is what Iran has, is not enough to build nuclear weapons. 90 percent or more is needed, and there is no evidence suggesting that Iran could reach that number anytime soon. Some scientists, like Clinton Bastin, argue that Iran cannot reach that number at all.
Now Iran is committed to building its own nuclear power plant, but the Zionist regime in "Israel" has tried to persuade the entire Western world that Iran is building nuclear weapons, despite the fact that US intelligence officials and even some "Israeli" officials and intelligence agencies, including the Mossad, have repeatedly declared that Iran is not researching nuclear weapons.
It must be made clear that the 20 percent uranium threshold is legitimate and legal under the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Iran has signed and "Israel" has not. Catherine Ashton, foreign minister for the European Union, made it clear that Iran has the right "to the peaceful use of nuclear power."
In other words, serious US officials know that nuclear power does not necessarily mean nuclear weapons! But because we have a problem child in the Middle East, namely "Israel", US officials and marionettes cannot even breathe in the Middle East without getting a permit from the "Israeli" regime.
As already suggested, the "Israeli" entity does not even allow inspection of its nuclear facilities, as one of the laws articulated by the Non-Proliferation Acts. The entity has been pushing the West, most particularly the US, to sanction Iran because they perceive that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. Yet the issue that the "Israeli" entity does not want to be transparent about its nuclear weapons program created a firestorm of discussion.
In the midst of all that, the entity claimed that perhaps one day they will change their nuclear weapons policy on their own terms and not on anyone else's.
Based on that faulty logic, who then should be considered the real threat? This is why decent CIA officials are now denouncing "Israel" as dangerous. As former CIA official Philip Giraldi had recently showed, this wicked entity has cost America dearly.

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