viernes, 28 de julio de 2017

Uncovering the Israeli Lobby in the US

Uncovering the Israeli Lobby in the US

President Obama Signs the United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act  
Roger Waters: "We Shall Overcome."

Unprecedented Israel-War Lobby Attack On Chuck Hagel Appointment ... Until he retracted his past criticism of Israel ...  

The Scandal of the Democratic Convention in North Carolina about Jerusalem

Christian Fundamentalists want Jews to be slaughtered in Israel in order for Jesus to return, according to their beliefs.
Video: Five-Year-Old Palestinian Boy, Wadi' Maswadah, Detained in Hebron by Israeli Occupation Soldiers 
A Courageous Man: 
Dr. Michael Scheuer vs. Israel's Stooges in US Congress 

Al-Jazeerah was hacked on March 26, 2013 after criticizing Obama's visit to Israel  
Muhammed Al-Bou 'Azizi  
Arabs Are Revolting Against the Brutal Regimes of the 
Zionist Empire
Why was Al-Jazeerah hacked and stopped on March 26, 2013? Because of publishing criticism of President Obama's visit to Israel ... Read here Shimon Peres 90th Birthday: Career of Land Theft, Killing Civilians, Assassinations, and Wars  Expansion of Israel, the Headquarters of the Zionist Empire  
Zionism: The Highest Stage of Imperialism

"Palestine: Peace, Not Apartheid," By Jimmy Carter.

Dutch TV film showing the Israelis' influence over America's Congress.

Findley, Paul. A. Lincoln, "Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts about the US-Israeli Relationship." (1990), They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby. (1985). 
Video: Findley Dares to Speak

Video: Israeli Aggression Leading to Self-Destruction By Paul Findley and Ahmad Deedat 

The Gaza Holocaust: Israeli Attacks on Jabalia February 27-March 3, 2008 
The Illegal Israeli Land-Grab, Apartheid Wall Must Be Turned Down By Hassan A. El-Najjar 

Books by James Petras:

The Gulf War: Overreaction & Excessiveness By Hassan El-Najjar 
Zionism: The Highest Stage of Imperialism 


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