martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Fin del Calendario Maya 2012 - 2012 podría significar algo?

Fin del Calendario Maya 2012 - 2012 podría significar algo? Calendario Maya Fecha 2012 en la Profecía - ¿Qué es el valor? Calendario maya, 2012, fin del mundo? Hasta ahora, ha habido al menos 22, al menos parcialmente cumplido profecías del 2012 / predicciones. Por COGwriter 44 days 14 hours 16 minutes 14 seconds left until December 21, 2012 En 2012 se acerca rápidamente, se ha incrementado el interés aparentemente en ciertos escritos antiguos mayas y el 2012 las predicciones del calendario. 2012 será el fin del mundo? ¿Alguno de 2012 profecías se han cumplido? ¿Qué fecha en el año 2012 se centró en muchos? 2012: Descubre la verdad! Clasificar el hecho de que el bombo. Los acontecimientos mundiales, alineando con al menos 24 predicciones para el 2012 y el surgimiento de la secta secreta, ya han llegado a pasar desde que el libro salió en septiembre de 2009. Averigüe qué profecías le afectará. Aprende el destino del dólar de EE.UU., el oro, la plata y la economía mundial. Descubre que los eventos futuros mundo señalan el fin de la civilización moderna. es_order_now Pida el libro 2012 y el surgimiento de la secta secreta ahora o leer los comentarios en Amazon . Nota: El enfoque del libro de arriba es de lo que va a ocurrir principalmente después de diciembre 21 de 2012. El libro se vende por $ 19.98 más gastos de envío de y $ 19.98 más gastos de envío (4.98 dólares USA direcciones, $ 14.00 para todos los demás) en sitio web. Bueno, para las próximas dos semanas, el libro estará disponible para el manejo y envío sólo en (el precio se mostrará más el 0.01 S & H como PayPal no permite a un precio cero). Esta oferta expira el 14 de noviembre de 2012, por lo que actuar hoy. 21 de diciembre 2012 es cuando los mayas "Cuenta larga" del calendario marca el fin de una era de 5,126 años. Aquí hay alguna información al respecto: La fecha de 21 de diciembre 2012 AD ( en la Cuenta Larga), representa una conjunción muy cercana del Sol del solsticio de invierno con el punto de cruce del ecuador galáctico (ecuador de la Vía Láctea) y la Eclíptica (trayectoria de el Sol), lo que los antiguos mayas reconocieron como el Árbol Sagrado. Este es un evento que ha estado viniendo a la resonancia muy lentamente a lo largo de miles y miles de años. Vendrá a la resolución exactamente a las 11:11 am Hora del Este (Todo sobre 2012. Http:// vieron 13/01/08). Aunque la mayoría de la gente cree otra cosa que algunos sucesos astronómicos que ocurrirá entonces (y los mayas eran aparentemente correcta acerca de que según los astrónomos algunos), algunos creen que los mayas 2012 fecha puede marcar el fin de la civilización o tal vez el comienzo de una época de gran tribulación. También es cada vez más popular para referirse al acontecimiento astronómico como el "alineamiento galáctico" (Nostradamus y 2012 History Channel, fecha de emisión original 01/04/09.) - Aunque la mayoría de los astrónomos tienen dificultad identificando el centro de la galaxia de la Vía Láctea (y por lo tanto, muchos sienten que no hay ningún evento alineación). EE.UU. Toda y reportó lo siguiente en un artículo titulado ¿El Calendario Maya predice el Apocalipsis para el 2012?: El periodista Lawrence Joseph pronostica catástrofe generalizada en Apocalipsis 2012: una investigación científica sobre Fin de la civilización. El sanador espiritual, Andrew Smith predice la restauración de un "verdadero equilibrio entre el Divino Femenino y Masculino", en La Revolución de 2012: vol. 1, La Preparación. En 2012, Daniel Pinchbeck anticipa un "cambio en la naturaleza de la conciencia", con la asistencia de conocimientos indígenas y el uso de drogas psicodélicas ... Parte de la mística del 2012 proviene de las estrellas. En el solsticio de invierno en el año 2012, el sol se alineará con el centro de la Vía Láctea por primera vez en cerca de 26.000 años. Esto significa que "cualquier energía que típicamente fluya a la Tierra desde el centro de la Vía Láctea, de hecho será interrumpida el 12/21/12 a las 11:11 pm Hora Universal", escribe Joseph (G. Jeffrey MacDonald. ¿El calendario maya predice el apocalipsis 2012 ? EE.UU. Hoy en día. vieron 01/14/08). Lo que los registros realmente se quiere significar por los antiguos (pre-colombina) Mayas (pronunciado "Myans") es desconocida y ha sido objeto de mucho debate. Pero, literalmente, la destrucción del planeta parece estar demostrado por algunos. Cuando los españoles llegaron a través de los mayas, consideraron que tengan prácticas paganas asociadas con el diablo. Por eso, una vez que los conquistaron, comenzaron a quemar y destruir lo contrario la mayoría de los escritos de su civilización (conocidos como códices), sobre todo bajo la dirección del obispo Diego de Landa. Un católico, sin embargo, intervino e impidió que tres se destruya. Estos códices mayas son ahora conocidos como el Madrid, Dresde y códices de París. También hay un cuarto, el códice Grolier, cuya autenticidad es a veces disputada, pero puede ser genuino - sólo unas pocas páginas de sobrevivir. De vez en cuando, otros fragmentos de dibujos mayas de este período también se han encontrado. El Códice de Dresde contiene la mayor cantidad de observaciones astronómicas y los cálculos de cualquiera de los supervivientes precolombinas textos. También hay nueve escritos llamados Chilam Balam (que significa "sacerdote oracular" "jaguar") que parecen combinar las creencias mayas y españoles que llegaron desde finales del siglo 15th/early 16 (algunas de las creencias parecen haber llegado desde más tardar en la siglo 12, incluyendo lo que muchos creen que es el cumplimiento de la profecía maya sobre la llegada de los blancos "huéspedes hombre barbudo del este" - lo que algunos creen que habrá muchos cumplieron profecías mayas). El Chilam Balam contiene los más explícitos 2012 las predicciones del calendario maya (y otras predicciones mayas del ciclo de calendario). Un escritor (probablemente Robert Bast quien tiene su propia "wiki") ha afirmado esto acerca de los mayas y el calendario: Al igual que el azteca e inca que llegó al poder después, los mayas creían en una naturaleza cíclica del tiempo. Los rituales y ceremonias estaban estrechamente asociado con los ciclos celestiales / terrestres que ellos observaron e inscrita como calendarios separados. El sacerdote maya tenía el trabajo de interpretar estos ciclos y dar una visión profética sobre el futuro o en el pasado sobre la base de las relaciones numéricas de todos sus calendarios. También tenían que determinar si los "cielos" o asuntos celestiales eran apropiados para llevar a cabo ciertas ceremonias religiosas (Civilización Maya. Http:// vieron 01/14/08). El verdadero Wikipedia dice esto acerca de un calendario Maya 2012: El calendario mesoamericano de Cuenta Larga es la base de la creencia de la Nueva Era, el primer pronóstico de José Argüelles, que un cataclismo tendrá lugar el o alrededor del 21 diciembre de 2012 (Calendario Maya. Wikipedia. Http:// Maya_calendar vieron 14/01/08). En dos programas distintos, The History Channel afirma: El calendario maya parece decir que el mundo se acabará en 2012 (Crowley, Phil. 2012, Decodificación de la fecha pasada. Aire original 01/03/07). Los antiguos mayas profetizaron que el mundo llegará a su fin el 13 Baktun en su calendario actual. Esto se traduce en fecha 21 de diciembre 2012 ... Una nueva era puede ocurrir ... Otros ... ver la destrucción ... La última página del códice Dresde en realidad muestra la destrucción del mundo por medio del agua ... Esta ilustración gráfica representa la destrucción de la tierra por las inundaciones ... Otros lo ven como un día de renacimiento ... Otros lo ven literalmente, con consecuencias muy graves (Mayan Doomsday Profecía, Decodificación de la fecha original del aire Past. 08/03/06). Vemos, pues, dos interpretaciones distintas fuentes que indican que, o bien algo terrible o algo muy bueno ocurrirá en o cerca del final de 2012. Al menos dos artefactos con inscripciones mayas que apuntan a la fecha de diciembre 2012 se han encontrado (el monumento de Tortuguero y el ladrillo Comalcalco), pero precisamente lo que señalan ocurra no es clara (M. Stevenson México añade otro ladrillo a la leyenda Maya 2012. AP , 25 de noviembre de 2011. #. TtJVNPKAFrN). Algunos creen que auguran un desastre, otros que simplemente señalan el final del baktun 13 - pero muchos están intrigados ya que hacen punto para 2012. Tal vez debería añadir que la mayoría de las predicciones mayas 2012 parece estar basada en la interpretación occidental del calendario y de los dibujos mayas en contraposición a lo que los mayas sí he enseñado públicamente a través de la historia. Otros comentarios sobre 2012 On The History Channel, Steve Alten, autor de dominio, declaró: Los cuatro ciclos anteriores todo terminó en la destrucción. Así que cuando hablamos de la profecía del fin del mundo maya, estamos hablando del fin del quinto ciclo, el último día, lo que equivale al 21 de diciembre de 2012 (Mayan Doomsday Profecía, Decodificación de la fecha pasada. Aire original 8.3 / 06). La narración History Channel después del comentario precedente inmediato fue: Esto significa que los ciclos quinto y actual, al igual que sus predecesores, también terminarán en destrucción (Mayan Doomsday Profecía, Decodificando el Pasado. Fecha original de emisión 08/03/06). Aunque no creo que el fin vendrá luego, yo creo que nos estamos acercando al tiempo de la destrucción de la civilización como la conocemos. Tal vez debería mencionar que algunos creen que un cometa o un asteroide golpeó la Tierra en 2012. Observe este headling: Los creyentes en Mysterious Planet Nibiru, el cometa Elenin Espere Fin de la Tierra (FOX News - 24 de julio de 2011). Y aunque algo podría golpear la Tierra en 2012, no creo que sea posible tener cualquiera de magnitud importante tal en 2012 (ver también ¿Cuándo Comienza la Gran Tribulación? 2012, 2013, 2014 o 2015? ). Ahora hay una reliquia comúnmente llamado la "piedra del calendario azteca" (algunos sostienen que no es técnicamente azteca) o la Piedra Mexica Sol, que se encuentra actualmente en un museo en la ciudad de México es creído por alguno para que apunte a la destrucción. Las leyendas con respecto a ella son similares a algunos de los mayas: El nombre real de la Piedra del Sol fue Cuauhtlixicalli (o literalmente, la "Casa del Águila" o "Tazón del águila", o, más cercano al verdadero significado de su nombre, "The Vessel of Time"). No era un calendario en un sentido restringido, moderno, pero un almanaque complejo y sofisticado para la adivinación ... los aztecas creían que el mundo había sido destruido cuatro veces antes de ... Según sacerdotes astrónomos aztecas, nuestro Quinto Sol, que comenzó hace 5.106 años, se supone que llegará a su fin entre 21 de diciembre y víspera de Navidad de 2012. (Joseph F, Stichin Z, eds Descubriendo los misterios de la antigua América:.. Historia perdida y leyendas, descubierto y explorado PublisherCareer Press, 2006 pp 78, 79, 82) Tal vez por eso algunos han apuntado al 23 de diciembre de 2012 como una posible fecha de la destrucción total. Pero, de nuevo, que parece un poco demasiado pronto para su destrucción total (aunque no es demasiado temprano para un período difícil llamado "principio de dolores"). En cuanto al libro titulado Las Profecías Mayas Algunos de los que leen las obras mayas también comparó esos escritos a la ciencia moderna de la astronomía. Muchos estaban intrigados por el hecho de que una alineación astronómica principal se cree que se produce casi al mismo tiempo que el calendario maya indica que algo importante iba a ocurrir. Esto, combinado con el códice Drseden, es lo que llevó a muchas predicciones del calendario maya interpretativas. Aquí hay alguna información adicional en el sitio web de Adrian Gilbert, co-autor del libro Las Profecías Mayas (el otro co-autor es Maurice Cottrell): Los mayas tenían creencias más bien similares a los aztecas, aunque con algunas importantes diferencias de énfasis. Varios de sus libros de corteza se han conservado mostrando su increíble conocimiento y la fascinación por astronomy.The más importante de ellos era lo que ahora se llama el "Dresden Codex", llamado así por la ciudad en cuya biblioteca fue presentada. Este libro extraño, inscritos con jeroglíficos desconocidos, fue escrita por indígenas mayas que alguna vez gobernó gran parte de Centroamérica, las ruinas de su civilización una vez grand ensuciar la selva. En 1880 un estudiante brillante, alemán, quien trabajaba como bibliotecario en Dresde en ese momento, volvió su atención a este códice. Por un proceso de trabajo de detective extraordinario que descifró el código del calendario maya haciendo posible que otros eruditos y exploradores traducir las muchas inscripciones fechadas que se encuentran en los edificios, estelas y otros artefactos mayas antiguos. Él descubrió que el Códice Dresden en sí estaba preocupado con la astronomía además de tablas detalladas de los eclipses lunares y otros fenómenos. Estos eran tan precisas que poner nuestro propio calendario en vergüenza. Él también encontró pruebas de un curioso "número mágico" - 1,366,560 días, que podría ser factorised en un número de maneras y que armonizaba los ciclos de Venus y Marte con dos "anuales" ciclos también utilizados por los mayas: el tzolkin sagrado de 260 días y el Haab de 365 días. Sin embargo, también encontraron que tenían otro sistema de contar los días en relación con una fecha de inicio, llamado el Nacimiento de Venus y ahora se sabe que un 13 de agosto de 3114 antes de Cristo. Este calendario se divide en "meses" o uinales de veinte días, "años" o tuns de 360 días y períodos más largos de 7200 días, (el katun) y días (144.000, el baktun). El número 13 era mágicamente importante para los mayas y creían que, a partir del nacimiento de Venus, después de que 13 de esos largos períodos, o baktunes, el mundo llegaría a su fin. Esto significa que el trabajo de su fecha de inicio de la era actual, de 13 de agosto de 3114 aC, esta profecía maya puntos a una fecha para el fin del mundo, que es en nuestros días: 22 de diciembre 2012 ... En 1986, Maurice Cotterell propuesto una teoría revolucionaria sobre la astrología y los ciclos dom. Él había sospechado desde hace algunos años que el sol del campo magnético variable tiene consecuencias para la vida en la tierra. El Sol tiene un campo complejo que los bucles y giros sí mismo en nudos. Desde hace tiempo se sospechaba que estos bucles dar lugar a las manchas solares, que son manchas oscuras en la piel del sol. El número, tamaño y localización de las manchas solares están en constante cambio y como oficial de radio antigua, Cotterell estaba muy consciente de que tienen efectos profundos sobre envoltura magnética de la Tierra, la magnetosfera. Mientras trabajaba como Jefe de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Comunicaciones (estados) en Cranfield Institute of Technology, ideó un programa que calcule la relación entre el campo magnético del Sol y la Tierra. Como era de esperar su modelo predijo que debería haber un ciclo de manchas solares de aproximadamente once años y medio, se aproxime a lo que se ha observado durante varios siglos. Sin embargo, también encontró evidencia gráfica para ciclos más largos, incluyendo un período de 1.366.040 días. Su trabajo tomó un nuevo giro cuando leyó sobre el número maya súper del Códice Dresde: 1.366.560 días. Esto era exactamente dos ciclos de 260 días mayor que su teórico período de manchas solares. Por consiguiente, propuso que los dos estaban relacionados. A medida que su trabajo anterior en lo que llamó Astrogenetics indicó que la fertilidad humana depende de la presencia de las manchas solares, que ahora tenía pruebas de que el calendario maya no fue arbitraria sino que se basaba en el conocimiento de los efectos de las manchas solares (http://www. / Docus / libros / mayan.html). Una revisión crítica del libro The Mayan Prophecies informó lo siguiente: Gilbert parece haber escrito las 212 páginas del texto principal, incluso resumiendo el trabajo de Cotterell en su propia voz, mientras Cotterell proporciona 100 páginas de apéndices matemáticamente complejos que el lector casual encontrará impenetrable. Se supone que proporcionan la evidencia científica rigurosa de la teoría de Cotterell cataclismo fecha final, que es la siguiente. Los ciclos de manchas solares dan lugar a mayores aberraciones solares en los que el campo magnético del Sol invierte periódicamente, causando polo de la Tierra se mueva y lo que resulta en un cataclismo. Según Cotterell, las inversiones solares vienen en grupos de cinco, que en conjunto hacen un gran ciclo de 18.139 años. Los cinco "edades" no son todos de la misma longitud, debido a los complejos ritmos solares que Cotterell modelados en un ordenador con sólo tres variables. Tres de los siglos pasados ​​3553 años cada uno, mientras dos últimos 3740 años cada uno. Se supone que se corresponden con el mito maya o azteca de cinco (o cuatro) años. Un número clave aquí es el número de días en los 3740 años (con 365,25 días al año): 1.366.035. Este número está "cerca" de un número en el Códice de Dresde, escrito en notación de Cuenta Larga como Esto corresponde a una fecha en el 627 dC, que es 1366560 días después de la llamada Cuenta Larga "fecha cero" allá por 3114 aC Se supone que el acercamiento de estos números para demostrar que los mayas estaban al tanto de los ciclos de las manchas solares, la energía solar inversión de los campos magnéticos , y es por eso que los puntitos de la Cuenta Larga 2012 dC como una destrucción cataclísmica Edad Mundo. "A partir de sus estudios ... Cotterell ha concluido que la profecía maya del fin del siglo quinto se refiere a una inversión del campo magnético de la tierra - alrededor de 2012 AD" ... La cubierta interior de la chaqueta dice: "El mundo actual terminará el 22 de diciembre 2012 ... Así que profetizaron los mayas hace 5.000 años ..." (Revisión-Ensayo de las Profecías Mayas por Gilbert y Cotterell, Element Books 1995. Book Review. 18 de octubre 1995. Por John Major Jenkins c. Cuatro Ahau Press, vistos 01 / 13/08). The History Channel y otras fuentes de televisión han recogido en nosotros, y ahora muchas personas están preocupadas de que el 21 de diciembre 2012/December 22, 2012 marcará una época de destrucción y el fin de la civilización. Varios de ellos han estudiado algunas de las premisas libros y los hechos alegados y han estado en desacuerdo con ellos. Algunas personas parecen creer que el día siguiente más o menos (22 de diciembre de 2012 o 23 de diciembre 2012) que esto podría marcar el comienzo de una era nueva y mejor para la humanidad. Personalmente, sospecho que el que se convertirá en el rey europeo del norte puede ser más evidente en esa época y puede reclamar (posiblemente incluso retrospectivamente) que se está llevando en la era positivo que el calendario maya puede indicar (la Biblia indica que una bestia europea de energía se alinea con una futura versión modificada de la Iglesia Católica Romana ). En concreto, algunos "católicos" (y otros) parecen creer que llegará una "era de paz" antes de Anticristo (por ejemplo, Birch, DA Trial, Tribulation y Triumph:.. Antes Durante y Después Anticristo Publishing Company Queenship, Goleta (CA ), 1996, pp xlii-xliii, 410), por lo que no me sorprendería si afirman que esta nueva era comienza (o más probablemente han comenzado) en torno a 22 de diciembre 2012 (cf. Ezequiel 13:10-16) . Sin embargo, la Biblia muestra que aunque la gente en muchos lugares al principio prosperar debido a este rey del norte (Daniel 11:39, Apocalipsis 18:3), que Dios castigará a los que le siguen (ver Rusia en la Profecía ) o tener su marca ( 666 ). Así que esto no va a ser un bíblicamente aceptable "era de paz" - y algunos escritores católicos también están de acuerdo con mi evaluación. Holanda se preocupa por una inundación 2012 En el Chilam Balam allí es la siguiente: Pero cuando la ley del katún ha seguido su curso, el Dios traerá un gran diluvio de nuevo que será el fin del mundo. Cuando esto termine, entonces nuestro Señor Jesucristo descenderá al valle de Josafat, junto a la ciudad de Jerusalén, donde él nos redimió con su sangre sagrada (José Hoil J, R. Roys El Libro de Chilam Balam de Chumayel. Roys Publisher, 1933 Olvidados. reimpresión Books, 1967, p. 62). Lo anterior es bíblicamente, una afirmación falsa. 2012 no es el fin del mundo. Esa predicción maya es erróneo. La profecía maya inundación será probada como falsa, ya sea en relación con 2012 o no (Génesis 9). Sin embargo, el pueblo de los Países Bajos siempre han estado preocupados por la posibilidad de una inundación destructiva matando a todos los que gran parte de esa nación está bajo el nivel del mar. Y en parte debido a las profecías mayas, algunos en los Países Bajos están preocupados de que puedan ser la predicción de la destrucción de su nación y tal vez otros, como Bélgica. Una "inundación 2012" es una preocupación para algunos. Observe la siguiente noticia: Muchos holandeses preparan para el 2012 apocalipsis UPI - Junio ​​23, 2008 Amsterdam, Países Bajos (UPI) - Miles de personas en los Países Bajos dicen que esperan que el fin del mundo en 2012, y muchos dicen que están tomando precauciones para prepararse para el Apocalipsis. La lengua neerlandesa de periódico Volkskrant dijo que habló con miles de creyentes en el inminente fin de la civilización, y mientras que las teorías sobre la supuesta catástrofe variada, más ligado a la fecha de 2012 para el fin del calendario maya, Radio Holanda informó el lunes. De Volkskrant dijo que muchos de los entrevistados están almacenando suministros de emergencia, incluyendo balsas salvavidas y otros equipos. Algunos de los que habló con el periódico se mostraron optimistas sobre el fin de la civilización. "Usted sabe, tal vez en realidad no es tan malo que los Países Bajos serán destruidos", dijo Petra Faile. "No me gusta estar aquí nunca más. Tome la inmigración, por ejemplo. Mantienen dejar que la gente pulg Y luego tenemos que construir más casas, lo que hace aún más pesado de los Países Bajos. El país se hundirá aún más bajo, lo que hará que la inundación peor. "Http:// El hecho es que a pesar de las profecías mayas aluden a las inundaciones, los Países Bajos no será destruida por una inundación en 2012. Sin embargo, es posible que unos pocos años después de que podría tener importantes problemas de inundación. A diferencia de la mayoría de los países, ya que gran parte de Holanda está bajo el nivel del mar, las inundaciones son realmente una preocupación nacional. Pero como yo no creo que las inundaciones masivas en ese tipo de escala es probable que ocurra hasta después de "el Día del Señor" comienza (que es 2 1/2 años después de la Gran Tribulación), creo que la inundación más destructiva no puede ocurrir antes de 2016, y muy probablemente no será por un año o más después de eso. Y sí, sé que ha habido inundaciones en los EE.UU. y en otros lugares (ver Las inundaciones del Medio Oeste y Myanmar ). Pero el tipo de destrucción mortal que las profecías del 2012 parecen estar refiriéndose a que no es probable que ocurra hasta algunos años después de 2012 -, pero los problemas profetizó que puede suceder en 2012. ABC News informó de que no es más que el holandés: Miles Worldwide prepararse para el Apocalipsis, esperado en 2012 Hace dos años, Patrick Geryl, entonces de 51 años, renunció a su trabajo como técnico de laboratorio en una empresa petrolera francesa. Había ahorrado suficiente dinero para que le durara hasta diciembre de 2012. Después de eso, pensó, no lo necesitaría de todos modos ... "Hay que entender, no habrá nada, nada", dijo a ABC News Geryl desde su casa en Amberes, Bélgica. "Vamos a tener que empezar toda una civilización desde cero". Eso es porque Geryl cree que el mundo tal como lo conocemos terminará en 2012. Él señala a los antiguos calendarios mayas cíclicas, el más largo de los que se renovaba pasado aproximadamente 5.125 años atrás y se fija para terminar de nuevo, supuestamente con consecuencias catastróficas, en 2012. El habla de los antiguos egipcios, que, según él, vio a 2012 como un año de grandes cambios también. Y señala a la ciencia: NASA predice un fuerte aumento en el número de manchas solares y llamaradas solares para 2012, dijo, seguro que causará fallas eléctricas y las perturbaciones por satélite. Todo esto se suma, Geryl dijo a una catástrofe sin precedentes. En primer lugar, una inversión polar causará el norte para convertirse en el sur y el sol levantarse en el oeste. Shattering terremotos, enormes maremotos y erupciones volcánicas simultáneas seguirá. Los reactores nucleares se derretirán, los edificios se desmoronan voluntad, y una nube de polvo volcánico bloqueará el sol durante 40 años. Sólo el preparado sobrevivirán, Geryl dijo, y ni siquiera todos ellos. Estos pueden sonar como los desvaríos de un loco, o tal vez el jefe de una secta apocalíptica pequeño. Pero Geryl no es el único que cree en el apocalipsis. Miles de personas en todo el mundo parece estar preparándose, de una forma u otra, para el final del día en el 2012. Los grupos de supervivencia existen en Europa, Canadá y Estados Unidos ... "Tuvimos el Huracán Katrina, el reciente ciclón en Myanmar", dijo Lehmann. "Tenemos grandes inundaciones en Iowa. Siempre vamos a tener los desastres naturales. Pero están recogiendo ahora con bastante frecuencia". Lehmann dijo finalmente la esperanza de alejarse de Cape Girardeau, construido a orillas del río Mississippi, a las llanuras altas del sudoeste de Missouri a mantenerse a salvo de las inundaciones asegúrese de seguir los terremotos de 2012. Geryl y sus seguidores belgas y holandeses tienen intenciones similares, aunque su plan les llevará mucho más lejos de casa. Ellos están buscando para comprar una parcela de tierra hasta alto de las montañas de África, donde será capaz de resistir las olas monstruosas y esperar a que la nube de polvo volcánico que dijeron podría bloquear el sol. Geryl dijo que el grupo ha puesto a cero adentro en un lugar, pero no revelará su hallazgo, por temor de que se vuelque de grupos rivales de supervivencia en los Estados Unidos y Canadá. En este campo, el grupo de Geryl, cuyo núcleo membresía se compone de 16 personas, pero cuya lista de espera supuestamente listas de cientos, construirá viviendas de hormigón o cuevas traje de supervivencia ... Cuando se le preguntó qué pasaría si diciembre de 2012, fueron de ir y venir sin que los terremotos y los tsunamis de sus predicciones, Geryl se quedó en silencio. "Yo realmente no contemplar esa posibilidad", dijo. "[Mis predicciones] son ​​tan espectaculares, que no puede estar mal." (Se acabará el mundo en 2012? ABC News, 3 de julio de 2008. Http:// = 5301284 & page = 1) Dado lo anterior Canadá un par de veces, los canadienses pueden encontrar los siguientes artículos de interés en Canadá Profecía: ¿Qué hace la profecía bíblica, Profecía Católica, y otras predicciones sugieren sobre el futuro de Canadá? 2012 Críticas de Cine Revisé 2012 la película (por Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group, una compañía de Sony Pictures Entertainment y fue invitado por Sony para obtener una vista previa antes de su lanzamiento oficial), así como el trailer de un par de veces. Ello, mientras que en consonancia con una predicción maya, empuja la posición no bíblica de que el mundo será destruido por un diluvio (cf. Génesis 9:11-17) en 2012. El trailer también cuenta con las siguientes declaraciones: ¿CÓMO LOS GOBIERNOS DE PREPARAR EL FUTURO DEL PLANETA DE SEIS MILLONES DE PERSONAS EN EL FIN DEL MUNDO? No quisieron 2012 SABER LA VERDAD A pesar de las reclamaciones, los escritos mayas, trailers de películas, "documentales", y las películas, la verdad es que el mundo no se acabará en 2012. (A pesar de las graves inundaciones, que la película de Sony indica, es probable que se produzcan varios años más tarde.) Sencillamente, no es posible de acuerdo a la Biblia para que esto suceda en 2012 (véase también ¿Tiene Dios un plan de Año 6000? ¿Qué año ¿El Fin de 6.000 años? ). Aquellos que piensan que sí, simplemente han sido mal guiados. Y aquellos que buscan un lugar de protección, puede consultar la Biblia y no Patrick Geryl (para más información bíblica, consulte el artículo hay un lugar de seguridad para los de Filadelfia. qué puede ser Petra ), ni Hollywood. La Biblia también enseña: 5 Fíate de Jehová de todo tu corazón, Y no te apoyes en tu propia inteligencia; 6 En todos tus caminos lo reconocen, Y él enderezará tus veredas (Proverbios 3:5-6). Wallace Smith informó lo siguiente después de ver una vista previa de la película: Como mi esposa y yo entramos en el cine local, que se nos quedó una de las exhibiciones más grandes de anuncio de la película que he visto nunca. Representaba una ciudad costera está completamente destrozado por sísmicos que sacuden sin precedentes de actividad vastas franjas de la ciudad en el cielo y el dumping a barrios enteros en un océano de hambre. Era una escena de devastación total que claramente han cobrado la vida de cientos de miles de personas. Y fue un anuncio apropiado para la película de 2012, el nuevo End-Of-The-World épica escrita y dirigida por Roland Emmerich, que sale este mes de noviembre. (Smith W. 2012:. El bombo y la Verdad Comentario LCG, 18 de julio de 2009) Ahora bien, el fin del mundo (es decir, el fin de esta era) vendrá pronto - pero no será hasta después de 2012, por razones que en este artículo se indican más adelante. Un cartel para el 2012 Sony Picture la película afirma lo siguiente: ¿Quién se quedará atrás? 2012 This is apparently intended to be a twist on Tim LaHaye's and Jim Jenkins' Left Behind series of books. Sony's approach appears to be that most will be destroyed by a flood and only a few will be "left behind" to live. The Left Behind series promotes the idea that "Christians" will be gone via a pre-tribulation "rapture" before the Great Tribulation and that those doomed to live under the reign of Antichrist will be "left behind" Both ideas are in scriptural error (though Sony's implication that some will survive is correct). But Sony took this a step further. Notice what Wikipedia has written about one publicity stunt from Sony: The studio also launched a viral marketing website operated by the fictional Institute for Human Continuity, where filmgoers could register for a lottery number to be part of a small population that would be rescued from the global destruction. Sony Films' registration, of course, will not save anybody. But it was an unusual way to get attention. Those truly interested in learning about the rapture hypothesis and who really will be protected during the coming Great Tribulation should study the article Is There A Secret Rapture for the Church? When and Where is the Church Protected? And, it may be important to realize that the Bible does show that some type of flooding will occur and eliminate most of the islands of the world (please see Islands and Bible Prophecy ), but I do not believe that this can occur until some years after December 21, 2012. Nor does the Bible allow for a worldwide destruction of all flesh through a flood: 8 Then God spoke to Noah and to his sons with him, saying: 9 "And as for Me, behold, I establish My covenant with you and with your descendants after you, 10 and with every living creature that is with you: the birds, the cattle, and every beast of the earth with you, of all that go out of the ark, every beast of the earth. 11 Thus I establish My covenant with you: Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth ." (Genesis 9:8-11). However, since the world cannot and will not be destroyed by a flood, I strongly suspect that many will decide that the Mayan prophecies should properly be interpreted to mean that the longed for age of peace is upon us--even though it will not be (Ezekiel 13:10). La Biblia es clara en que no habrá otro diluvio como el experimentado Noé (Génesis 9:11-15), y es bueno que la película no va bastante a ese grado. Otros pasajes muestran que la Gran Tribulación y después del terremoto grande (Apocalipsis 16:18) ( Terremotos de hoy y la Profecía Bíblica ) no será tan temprano (ver ¿Puede la Gran Tribulación comenzará en 2011, 2012 o 2013? para más detalles). Now, of course, there have been earthquakes in 2012. Including two very large ones near Indonesia. And some 2012 followers have suggested that the earthquakes in Mexico in April 2012 were related to the Mayan prophecies (see Signs of Apocalypse in Costa Rica, Ukraine, Mexico/Maya, Syria, Israel, Iran, and Europe? ). One earthquake in 2012 was "the most powerful strike-slip quake ever recorded" (see Earthquakes Today and Bible Prophecy ). Yet, what many do not realize is that the Bible warns of a time that Jesus called "the beginning of sorrows" (Matthew 24:8 and that "earthquakes in various places" (Matthew 24:7) was one of those signs (more on the "beginning of sorrows" can be found in the article Can the Great Tribulation Begin in 2011, 2012, or 2013? ). While many prophetically-related events are happening in 2012, 2012 will not be the end of the world. El Códice de Dresde As far as Mayan predictions (or what some assume are Mayan 2012 predictions), here is a picture of the last page of the actual Dresden Codex (from the 1880 Förstermann edition). This is the page that suggests to some that the world will end in a flood (and although massive flooding will occur, it will not be until after 2012, but will occur after the start of the Great Tribulation, please see Islands and Bible Prophecy ): Last Page of Mayan Dresden Codex The actual Dresden Codex, with lots of pages (and it is slow to download) is available at Ahora bien, una interpretación es que el agua está demostrando al mundo que termina en una inundación (y que sea consistente con el Chilam Balam, que fue escrito mucho después del Códice de Dresde). Otra interpretación podría ser que, dado que las cifras que el agua está cerca tienen algo de negro en ellos, para que el agua va a limpiar el mundo de maldad y un nuevo día amanecerá. También es posible que la imagen no está relacionada con la fecha de 2012 en absoluto. Algunos tienen otras ideas. Un fenómeno llamado "tránsito de Venus" se produce en el año 2012: NASA - 2012 Tránsito de Venus El último tránsito de Venus fue en 2004, por lo que el segundo evento de la pareja se producirá el miércoles, 6 de junio (Martes, 05 de junio del Hemisferio Occidental). Todo el evento será ampliamente visible desde el Pacífico occidental, Asia oriental y el este de Australia, como se muestra en la figura 1 . La mayor parte de América del Norte y Central, y el norte de América del Sur será testigo del inicio del tránsito (5 de junio), pero el sol se pondrá antes de que finalice el evento. Del mismo modo, los observadores de Europa, Asia occidental y central, África oriental y Australia occidental se ve el final del evento ya que el tránsito ya estará en marcha al amanecer desde esos lugares. Informes Wikipedia, "Los tránsitos de Venus se encuentran entre los más raros de los fenómenos astronómicos previsibles. Ocurren en un patrón que se repite cada 243 años, con pares de tránsitos ocho años separados, separados por largos intervalos de 121,5 años y años 105,5". NASA informa: Los tránsitos de Venus son sólo posibles a principios de diciembre y principios de junio cuando los nodos orbitales de Venus pasan a través del sol. Si Venus alcanza conjunción inferior en este momento, un tránsito se producirá. Tránsitos muestran un claro patrón de repetición a intervalos de 8, 121,5, 105,5 8 ​​y años. El siguiente par de tránsitos de Venus ocurren más de un siglo a partir de ahora 11 de diciembre 2117 y 2125 Dec 08. De todos modos, la menciona como antes, la última página del Códice Dresden maya se cree que imaginar el tránsito de Venus. En parte debido a que es un fenómeno poco frecuente y hay un tránsito de Venus en 2012, algunos han concluido que los mayas Códice de Dresde está señalando algo que sucede en el año 2012. Mark Van Stone en la página web de la Fundación para el Avance de los Estudios Mesoamericanos, Inc. estados: En cualquier caso, p. 74 del Dresde efecto, parece ser una inundación, tal vez incluso el descrito en el Popol Vuh ... Excepto que no hay personas que son arrastradas, ni otros indicios de destrucción, excepto el negro L guerrero de Dios, quien también presidió el 4 Ajaw 3 Kumk'u creación (3114 antes de Cristo) en los floreros de los 7 dioses y de los 11 Dioses ... The Dresden does contain some astronomical tables –:notably Venus cycle and Eclipse Tables, for example–: and some mysterious tables such as the Serpent-Numbers (those dealing with 37,000 BCE), but most of them are auguries, based on cycles of the Tzolk'in divided by 5, or 6, or 7, or 18, or other numbers of days. (Questions and answers viewed 12/27/11) Also notice something from John Major Jenkins, an author and researcher on the Mayans since the late 1980s: Ahau Sequence: The sequence of five day-signs related in the Dresden Codex which are used to predict the morningstar risings of Venus: Ahau, Kan, Lamat, Eb and Cib. This sequence also occurs in the same context in the Popol Vuh. (Jenkins JM. What is the Galactic Alignment? viewed 12/27/11) Some have indicated that one or more of the small astronomical tables (which are very difficult to read on the last page of the Dresden Codex) point to some type of "galactic alignment," perhaps involving Venus (others say not possible--they will be separated by over six months, but others feel that the Dresden Codex is only showing a sequence) and/or the Milky Way (others dispute that). But again, these are mainly modern Western interpretations of the Dresden Codex. Back in 1906, notice some of what was written by Ernst Wilhelm Förstemann concerning the Dresden Codex: COMMENTARY ON THE DRESDEN CODEX... This page can denote nothing but the end of the world, for which the serpent numbers have prepared the way. Perhaps what looks like a zero above the sign Eb in the stream of water may likewise point to this calamity. (Förstemann EW. Commentary on the Maya manuscript in the Royal public library of Dresden Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University. Translated by Selma Wesselhoeft, Alberta M. Parker. Publisher The Museum, 1906 Original from Harvard University Digitized Dec 14, 2005, p. 266) Of course, different researchers have different opinions about what this means, but the world will not end in a flood according to Bible prophecy and nor can the world end on 12/21/2012. The Start Dates of the Mayan Baktuns: The Mayan Calendar 2012 Cycle The Mayan long-count calendar consists of cycles of time periods with different names. Tabla de unidades de cuenta larga Días Período de la Cuenta Larga Long Count period Approx solar years 1 = 1 K'in 20 = 20 K'in = 1 Winal 1/18th 360 = 18 Winal = 1 Tun 1 7.200 = 20 Tun = 1 K'atun 20 144.000 = 20 K'atun = 1 B'ak'tun 395 The Mayan name for a day was k'in . Twenty of these k'ins are known as a winal (or uinal ). Eighteen winals or 360 k'in make one tun . Twenty tuns are known as a k'atun . Veinte k'atunes hacer una b'ak'tun. There are also four rarely-used higher-order periods: piktun , kalabtun , k'inchiltun , and alautun (Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. Wikipedia viewed 4/20/08). In the Chilam Balam there is the following: You shall not call the katun which is to come a hostile one, when Jesus, the guardian of our souls shall come... The katun is established at Chichen Itzá. The settlement of the Itzá shall take place . The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come. Ah Kantenal shall come. Blood-vomit shall come. Kukulcan shall come with them for the second time. the word of God. (José Hoíl J, Roys R. The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel. Roys Publisher, 1933. Reprint Forgotten Books, 1967, pp. 78, 111) The katuns in these writings do not seem to be the same precise time periods, yet some feel that they are related to 2012. Estos escritos hacen documento que había algún tipo de creencia que algún tipo de desastre ("vómito de sangre") vendría. Sangre vómito puede significar líquido (como una inundación) o tal vez el desastre. And, perhaps because they were influenced by the Spanish missionaries, they suggest that Jesus would return (the Bible calls Jesus the "Word" and God). However, it would not seem possible for Jesus to return by December 21, 2012, so if the above are referring to a future event, it would seem that they would need to be referring to a time after December 21, 2012. It should probably be noted that Kulkulcan can mean "serpent" (ibid, p. 228) or "feathered serpent" (ibid, p. 261) and hence instead of Jesus returning, the second section above may be referring to a Satanic power rising up at a time of turmoil who claims his word is that of God. (Perhaps it should also be noted that the Chilam Balam hints that the church will be near or in a cave, and apparently those in Central America should head for the forest, for more details, please see There is a Place of Safety for the Philadelphians. Why it May Be Petra ). The History Channel declared: The ancient Maya have prophesied that the world will come to the end on 13 Baktun on their current calendar. This date translates to December 21st, 2012...(Mayan Doomsday Prophecy, Decoding the Past. Original air date 08/03/06). The following is the list of the start dates for 13 Baktuns : Cuenta Larga Proleptic Gregorian Calendar Date August 11, 3114 BCE November 13, 2720 BCE February 16, 2325 BCE May 21, 1931 BCE August 23, 1537 BCE November 26, 1143 BCE February 28, 748 BCE June 3, 354 BCE September 5, 41 CE December 9, 435 March 13, 830 June 15, 1224 September 18, 1618 21 de diciembre 2012 Thus, the end of the 13th Baktun is coming fairly soon (some have pointed to August 13, 3113 as the start). What About the Calendar Found in Guatemala Disproving the Mayan Doomsday? In May 2012, it was announced that an older Mayan calendar was found that showed the world continuing for billions of years after December 21, 2012. Well, the world as we know it will not do that, but it is true that the world will not end on December 21, 2o12. But the reality is that the later Mayan writing of the Chilam Balam does clearly teach that by the 1500s, Mayan priests believed that the world would end and be destroyed. And, as others have indicated, the Dresden Codex may be doing that as well. Just because some Mayans did not believe the world would end, does not mean that later Mayans all held the same position. For more on this, please check out the article Guatemala Mayan Calendar Does Not Show the World Ending in 2012 . I remain convinced that after the world does not end in a flood on December 21, 2012, some will point to the Mayan calendar as proof that a new age was predicted as opposed to doom. But the reality is that doom, like the Great Tribulation, will come, just not this early. The End (the Great Tribulation) Cannot Begin Before 2015 The Bible shows that one is coming called " the King of the North. " However, prior to being referred to as "the King of the North" he initially appears to be referred to as a "prince" (or rising leader) in Daniel 9:26-27 (one is normally a "prince" before one becomes a "king"). As this deal has still not been made, this would suggest that contrary to claims of various false prophets ( Ronald Weinland of CGPFK comes to mind) the great tribulation will not begin prior to 2015--and at this instant, probably not prior to 2016. The Great Tribulation will also not start before there is an actual King of the South and an actual King of the North )--and while the "prince" will apparently help make a deal with Israel (probably somewhat including the United States as part of the "many" in Daniel 9:27), Daniel 11:27 requires two kings, which suggests that the "prince" will gain more and more importance after the deal in Daniel 9:27 (for more information on the sequence of Daniel 11, please see the article the King of the North ). In the book of Daniel there is a prophecy related to the end times that states: And the people of the prince who is to come Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, And till the end of the war desolations are determined. Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate (Daniel 9:26-27). While there have been various understandings of the above passage in Daniel 9 (and many falsely believe it requires a third temple to be built, please see Why is a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Not Required? ), the fact is that the Great Tribulation cannot start prior to 2015. ¿Por qué? Simply because this agreement between the King of the North and Israel has apparently not yet occurred, thus the great tribulation cannot occur until about 3 1/2 years after it does. This means that unless this agreement occurred secretly and prior to April 2012, that the intense 3/12 year period of the great tribulation cannot occur before 2015! If one adds 3 1/2 years to any current or future date, then a date of 2015 or later is the only period possible (and I believe it may be several years later than 2015). Thus, the Great Tribulation CANNOT occur in 2012 nor prior to 2014! (For more biblical analysis and commentary regarding Daniel 9:26-27, please see the article Can the Great Tribulation Begin in 2012, 2013, or 2014? ) Thus, there are several ways (including lack of a worldwide flood then) that show 2012 false. (Perhaps it should be mentioned here that contrary to the claims of various self-appointed ones, a while ago I wrote that the Great Tribulation COULD NOT begin in 2008. A news item explaining more of the reasons why would be At Least Two Wrongly Claim Great Tribulation Will Begin in 2008 ). However, we could be in a time of uncertainty known as "the beginning of sorrows" in 2012--and possibly it began prior to it. Many "Independent" Sources Point to Something in 2012 or Shortly Thereafter There are writings, legends, and calculations from a variety of sources (including the Bible) that indicate that the end will occur in the 21st century. Notice an observation by Dr. RC Meredith: Meanwhile, remember, my friends the speculation about “2012.” Millions have been deluded into believing that the “end of the world” will occur then. Or that the “Age of Aquarius” will begin then. Yet, the Bible does indicate that the rebellious wicked spirits who followed Satan do know certain things beyond what we humans sometimes know. And this is certainly indicating that next year, 2012, may be a very exciting year! Even apart from that, as a minister of Jesus Christ in His true Work for over 58 years, I clearly perceive that within the next three to six years truly awesome events will begin to take place! (Meredith, Roderick C. Tomorrow's World co-worker letter, May 9, 2011) And while Dr. Meredith and I believe that 2012 is too early for the absolute end, we both have understood that several seem to point to that year for some type of major change--and changes have been experienced in 2012 already. Perhaps one of the more fascinating non-biblical ideas is related to the Chinese I Ching . Although it slightly reminds me of the so-called Bible Code, there have been some calculations made apparently based upon looking at all the 64 possible combinations one can obtain by throwing the three discs and plotting the associated full and broken lines from using the I Ching : Fractal time and the I Ching ... Various fringe scientists have tried to calculate this point of infinity, giving us calculated dates ranging from 2010 to 2050. Dates that many of us will live to see. Perhaps the date is Dec 22, 2012. Ethnobotanists and fractal time experts Terrence and Dennis McKenna believe so, and they present their ideas in Invisible Landscape: Mind Hallucinogens and the I Ching (1993). Their studies began with the I Ching, which is composed of 64 hexagrams, or six-line figures. It struck them that 6 x 64 = 384, which is exceptionally close to the number of days in 13 lunar months (29.5306 x 13 = 383.8978), and that maybe the I Ching was originally an ancient Chinese calendar. Further multiples had astronomical significance... Los hermanos McKenna llegaron a la fecha final de 2012 mediante el uso de fractales. Starting from a table of differences between one hexagram and the next, they developed a Mandelbrot fractal in which each level is 64 times greater then the one below it. They then laid this fractal pattern on top of a time scale. The peaks and troughs of the pattern relate to the level of connectedness or novelty in any span of time, whether it covers a day, millennia or even since the beginning of time. By matching the levels of the pattern with key periods in history, they determined it would fit best if the end of the time scale was December 22, 2012. This is the only point in which the level of novelty reaches its maximum, and everything that happens is new (Bast R. Survive 2012. viewed 04/12/08). So, some believe that December 22, 2012 was long known as the date for the world as we know it to end. There is a tradition from the Buddhists in Tibet: The Tibetans Kalachakra contains a prophecy that 860 years after its introduction into Tibet, which happened in 1127, the conditions would be fulfilled for a twenty-five year period that would culminate in the appearance of the Tibetan version of New Jerusalem, the hidden city of Shamballa. Eight hundred and sixty years after 1127 is 1987, and 25 years after that is 2012 (Weidner J, Bridges V. Harrington M. A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and the Great Cross. Aethyrea Books LLC, 2000, p. 173). So, some Buddhists seem to be looking for an age of peace to come in or after 2012. But the Bible shows that New Jerusalem does not occur until AFTER the Great Tribulation and AFTER the 1,000 year millennial reign of Christ on this earth, hence this is a false time of peace that some seem to be looking forward to. There is also a tradition from India: It is interesting that this prediction of the emergence of a new world is prophesied to appear about the same time that the Mayans predicted it to come! The Mayan calendar began with the Fifth Great Cycle in 3114 BC and will end on 21 December 2012 AD. The Hindu Kali Yuga calendar began on 18 February 3102 BC There is only a difference of 12 years between the Hindu's beginning of the Kali Yuga and the Mayan's beginning of the Fifth Great Cycle. It is amazing that both calendars began at about the same time over 5,000 years ago and both calendars predict a totally new world and/or golden age after about 5,000 years into their calendars! We are definitely on to something with these Mayan and Hindu 2012 predictions. Historically, this is an amazing fact since these two ancient cultures did not have any contact...Lord Krishna's Golden Age could easily begin in 2012! (Hindu Calendar. viewed 01/14/08). A source, related to the above India/Hindu comments, also stated: The Hopi prophecy is an oral tradition of stories that Hopis say predicted the coming of the white man, the world wars and nuclear weapons. And it predicts that time will end when humanity emerges into the "fifth world." The Mayan calendar predicts a similar end in 2012; some Hopis have said their prophecy roughly coincides with that time. The tradition says the years after 2012 could be a golden age with humans at peace. It also says the world will go through a time of trial, suffering and purification before a time of "one-heartedness" (Hopi Civilization. viewed 01/14/08). And although a Robert Bast is the source of many of those written quotes (and his Hindu ones are all over the internet), a program (2012 episode of Decoding the Past ) that The History Channel originally aired March 1, 2007, had a variety of sources that basically stated the same things that Robert Bast has written, but less so on the Hindus. But one of those that was similar was that the end of "the fourth world" in Hopi prophecy is about upon us. A Hindu from India named Vijay Kumar (who refers to himself as "The Man who Realized God In 1993") makes the following claims about 2012 at his website: ¡Sí! 2012 ... shall be the year of reckoning. 2012 shall be remembered in history of mankind forever. ¿Por qué? From the position of planetary movements and astrological calculations... the significance of number three for present civilization is immense. The 12th year of 21st century totals number three. Talking of 2012 means... we have already stepped into the 21st century which numerically totals three. The 12th year also totals to three. A significant upheaval on the whole shall be the order of the day. Adharma (lawlessness) would be rooted out for ever. 2012 and beyond is the period of spiritual elevation. 2012 rings start of golden era. Beyond 2012 it shall be harmony and peace all over. The society would have learnt its lessons. Unethical practices and wanton desires would take a back seat. The lure of money and position would cease to exist. A pot of gold found lying in the backyard would not have a claimant! The glitter of gold and diamonds would be passé. The spiritual wisdom would become the order of the day. 2012 is the year of sacrifice. Both ... the sinner (committer of crime) and the innocent will be sacrificed. One who has committed crime shall face the gallows. Those who uphold and cherish values in the society would sacrifice their lives for the sake of humanity... The sacrifice by the eminent would be by will. To cleanse the society of its ills in 2012... many would come forward and sacrifice self on the altar of God. Unless that happens... the upheaval in the society is not possible. The blood of the innocent would be spilled. There is no other remedy ... For the society to climb back to its pristine glory of the golden era... even the meek would handle metal (pick arms). Whatever the poor and the downtrodden lay their hands upon would become their weapon. In the last phase of the Kali Yuga we are passing through... the complete society has been taken to ransom by about 6% corrupt population comprising of politicians, bureaucrats, judiciary and police force. In every nook and corner of the world situation would be same... 2012 is the year of the Avatar of the era (god almighty manifest in human form)... people await with abated breath the coming of Bhagwan Kalki... one who delivers the mankind from the existing ills of today. Bhagwan Kalki would be a spiritual master of the highest order with the deadly combination of a wise dictator (Chanakya of the modern era)... Prayers world-wide have delayed the coming of Bhagavan Kalki. The World War Three that was destined to start in 1998~1999 got delayed. It is the theory of mass karma that governs the destiny of every living being. WTC affair was just a preamble to the main show. Let us all prepare ourselves and wait for 2012. Be it enlightenment 2012, mayan prophecy prediction year 2012, nostradamus 2012 predicciones armageddon doomsday happen, horrible polar shift... todo se atasca a ... what is going to happen in 2012! (Kumar, Vijay. End of the World 2012. viewed 01/18/09). Also notice that Vijay Kumar's writing are supporting a warring power--something that the Bible warns against in Revelation 13. If views like Vijay Kumar's become predominant, it may be that they will help lead to Hindus at least temporarily accepting the religion of the false prophet and the authority of the coming dictator known as Beast that the Bible warns will rise up at the end. Hence, in that way, 2012 may have biblically prophetic significance. Perhaps I should add that "God in human form" will return (Jesus) and bring in a time of peace, but it will not and cannot be in 2012 as the Great Tribulation must start 3 1/2 years before Christ returns. It also probably should be mentioned that unlike Vijay Kumar's assertions, most Hindu "prophecies" I have seen tend seem to be point to dates later than 2012. Here is an astrological one related to a Hindu deity (it also calls the time "an age of transition"): Thereafter Saturn will govern for 19 years when it will spread Sahaja Yoga in the Whole world. Saturn means the masses, the Virata and Shri Mataji will witness Kalki (Mercury) Power manifesting over the whole World. 21 – 02 - 2013 ( Horoscope of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – by Lalit Bhandari (given during Tour of Australia – 22 October 1991; viewed 8/20/08). So, apparently a time of change is being predicted that may be clearer by February 21, 2013 (a frequent Hindu festival called "Ekadashi" is also to take place then). Other Hindus, however, seem to be looking a little later, while recognizing certain astronomical aspects of 2012: As far as Hindus are concerned the important date is 2014 & 2013. In 2012 the plane of our Solar System will line up exactly with the plane of our Galaxy, On the winter solstice in 2012, the sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way for the first time in about 26,000 years. According to Srimad Bhagavatam - Kalki is destined to appear when the Sun, Moon and Jupiter together enters Pushya nakshatra then goes to give the description of his birth etc. This astrological phenomenon happens on 26/27th. July 2014 AD at 3:10 PM on a Sunday. (Raju Apr 22 2007, 01:06 AM. India Discussion Forum. viewed 8/20/08). Thus, it is clear that not all Hindus are looking towards 2012, but some do seem to be looking to the next decade. And although I do not condone astrology, astrology is part of the Hindu faith, thus they can be highly influenced by movements in the sky. So much so, that perhaps this will temporarily get them to accept some of what the European Beast power is teaching (see Asia in Prophecy ). Now regarding the Hopi prophecies, notice the following from the popular book 2012 The Return of Quetzalcoatl : According to the Hopi, we are currently completing the cycle of the Fourth World--Tuwaqachi, "World Complete" --on the verge of the transitioning, or emerging, into the Fifth World, with several more worlds to follow. In each of the three previous conditions, humanity eventually went berserk, bringing ruin upon themselves through destructive practices, wars, misused technologies, and the loss of the connection to the sacred (Pinchbeck, Daniel. 2012 The Return of Quetzalcoatl. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, NY, 2007, p. 381). Hence, the Hopi prophecies tend towards doom, though NOT the destruction of all life. A couple of thousand years ago the so-called Sibylline prophecies (or Sybilline oracles) predicted what seem to be the end. These writings consist of many books, but the fourth is the most explicit: Book iv. is far more unified. In the name of the true God the sibyl predicts the events that will take place from the first to the tenth generation of man (Sibyl. viewed 04/12/08). This last generation is supposed to have started around the year 2000 (Crowley, Phil. 2012, Decoding the Past. Original air date 03/01/07). So there are many different indications that something may happen in the 21st century, and perhaps in the next decade. Here is even a secular, financial one: Handwriting on the Wall! On July 4, the United States, currently the most powerful nation in the world, celebrated 234 years of independence. The following day, on Monday, July 5, British-born Harvard professor and economic historian Niall Ferguson opened the 2010 Aspen Ideas Festival with a stark warning that the American “empire” could suddenly collapse—possibly within the next two years—due to the country's rising debt! (Winnail W. LCG World Ahead Weekly Update, July 8, 2010). The debt of the USA is a problem and may cause problems in 2012. There may also be problems in the Middle East (see The Arab and Islamic World In the Bible, History, and Prophecy ). There are other astronomically-related events that may occur: Holes in Earth's magnetic cloak let the sun in Reuters - Dec 16, 2008 SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The Earth's protective magnetosphere has two large holes that are letting in disruptive solar winds, scientists said on Tuesday. Understanding how these holes form will help them better predict the electrical storms that cause power grid blackouts and the aurora, activity that will peak in 2012 as sunspots hit their maximum level ... "The opening was huge -- four times wider than Earth itself," said Raeder. "This kind of influx is an order of magnitude greater than what we thought was possible." Most of the particles are deflected back into space, but some circulate in the magnetosphere, get energized, and cause electrical storms that trigger power grid outages, cause problems for aircraft flying over the poles, and can damage satellites in geosynchronous orbit. "There's a bigger risk because we have more stuff in space now," said Raeder. Scientists said that the majority of solar storms take place midway through and on the tail end of the solar cycle. This 11-year cycle of activity is at its minimum now and electrical storms will be at their peak in 2012. Hence, there will likely be at least minor electrical disturbances in 2012. And they could be significant. Furthermore, notice the following: Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe IT IS midnight on 22 September 2012 and the skies above Manhattan are filled with a flickering curtain of colourful light...Within 90 seconds, the entire eastern half of the US is without power. A year later and millions of Americans are dead and the nation's infrastructure lies in tatters. The World Bank declares America a developing nation. Europe, Scandinavia, China and Japan are also struggling to recover from the same fateful event - a violent storm, 150 million kilometres away on the surface of the sun… According to the NAS report, a severe space weather event in the US could induce ground currents that would knock out 300 key transformers within about 90 seconds, cutting off the power for more than 130 million people… First to go - immediately for some people - is drinkable water…With no electricity to pump water from reservoirs, there is no more… There is simply no electrically powered transport: no trains, underground or overground...For hospitals, that would mean about 72 hours of running a bare-bones, essential care only, service. After that, no more modern healthcare. The truly shocking finding is that this whole situation would not improve for months, maybe years... (Brooks, Michael. Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe. New Scientist Monday, March 23, 2009. viewed 03/23/09) Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: Russian geophysicists believe that the Solar System has entered an interstellar energy cloud…Their predictions for c atastrophe resulting from the Earth's encounter with this energy cloud range from 2010 to 2020 (Joseph LE. Apocalypse 2012: An Investigation into Civilization's End. Broadway, 2008, p. 16). There also s eems to be 1-2 Mayan writings that suggests some type of solar flare-up to affect the earth: Chliam Balam (Mayan priest): It is Katun 13...Heaven and earth shall burn...It is the holy judgment, the holy judgment...Great cities shall enter into Christianity (José Hoíl J, Roys R. The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel. Roys Publisher, 1933. Reprint Forgotten Books, 1967, p. 112). Napuctun (Mayan priest): It shall burn on earth; there shall be a circle in the sky (ibid p. 115). The Bible itself warns of a time of scorching heat (Revelation 16:9)--but it does not seem to associate mass conversions to Christiantiy with it. While the Bible also warns of earthquakes, absolute biggest one probably cannot come until 2017 at the earliest (for details, see Can the Great Tribulation Begin in 2011, 2012, or 2013? ). By the way, to see a cool up-to-date listing of the latest earthquakes, please check out Earthquakes Today and Bible Prophecy . Catholic "Prophecies" and 2012 Perhaps I first should mention that there are a variety of private " Catholic prophecies " indicate that the end will not come BEFORE the 20th century, but that the "beginning of the end" comes then. Some then indicate that the end may come in the early 21st century. Notice what a Catholic saint named Nilus allegedly stated in 430 AD (there are reasons to doubt the early date): After the year 1900, toward the middle of the 20th century, the people of that time will become unrecognisable. When the time for the Advent of the Antichrist approaches, peoples minds will grow cloudy from carnal passions, and dishonour and lawlessness will grow stronger. Then the world will become unrecognisable. Peoples appearances will change, and it will be impossible to distinguish men from women due to there shamelessness in dress and style of hair. These people will be cruel and will be like wild animals because of the temptations of the Antichrist. There will be no respect for parents or elders, love will disappear, and Christian pastors, bishops, and priests will become vain men, completely failing to distinguish the right hand way from the left. At that time the morals and traditions of Christians and the Church will change. People will abandon modesty, and dissipation will reign. Falsehood and greed will attain great proportions, and woe to those who pile up treasures. Lust, adultery, homosexuality, secret deeds and murder will rule in society (CATHOLIC PROPHECIES - PART I 01/30/07). Also notice the following : SISTER BERTINA BOUQUILLON (d. 1850)... The beginning of the end will not come in the nineteenth century BUT CERTAINLY IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY." (Culligan E. The Last World War and the End of Time. The book was blessed by Pope Paul VI, 1966. TAN Books, Rockford (IL), Pp. 130-131) The following, which did not come to pass quite as indicated below, does demonstrate that some Roman Catholic sources suggest that the end is fairly near to now: St. John of the Cleft Rock (14th century). "It is said that 20 centuries after the incarnation of the Word, the Beast in its turn will become man. About the year 2000 AD, Antichrist will reveal himself to the world.' (Dupont, Yves. Catholic Prophecy: The Coming Chastisement. TAN Books, Rockford (IL), 1973, p. 23) The author feels that there is convincing evidence for him to accept that the Antichrist was born on February 5, 1962...The Antichrist will be a Jew by race and religion (Culligan, pp. 100-101). There are also other old Roman Catholic prophecies that indicates that the end cannot occur before the 20th century: Ven. Sor Marianne de Jesus Torres (17th Century) ... Our Lady told Sister Marianne : "...But this knowledge will only become known to the general public in the 20th Century. "During this epoch the Church will find herself attacked by waves of the secret sect... "Know, beloved daughter, that when your name is made known in the 20th Century, there will be many who do not believe, claiming this devotion is not pleasing to God..." (Birch, DA. Trial, Tribulation & Triumph: Before During and After Antichrist. Queenship Publishing Company, Goleta (CA), 1996, pp. 317,326) . Nun Anne Catherine Emmerich (about 1820): "I heard that Lucifer (if I don't mistake) will be freed again for awhile fifty or sixty years before the year 2000 AD I have forgotten many of the other dates were told (Emmerich AC. The Life of Lord Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations. Schmöger edition, Vol. IV. Nihil Obstat: D. Jaegher, 14 Februari 1914. Imprimatur: AC De Schrevel, Brugis, 14 Februari 1914. Reprint TAN Books, Rockford (IL), 2004: pp. 353-354). Anyway, while some of their dates seem a little premature, these Catholic "prophets" seemed to believe that while events to get ready for the end would not begin until the 20th century, th at the end would apparently come shortly thereafter. Mother Shipton (16th century). "The great chastisement will come when carriages go without horses..." (Dupont, 113) Automobiles, of course, used to be called horse-less carriages and they did not start to become used to any extent before the 20th century. Now while some say that "Mother Shipton" was basically a myth and the predictions composed by others, a book containing them came out in the 17th century. And according to Yves Dupont, she was a Catholic prophetess. "Mother Shipton" was born Ursula Sontheil in 1488 in a cave beside the river Nidd in North Yorkshire, England... When pictures seem alive with movements free When boats like fishes swim beneath the sea, When men like birds shall scour the sky Then half the world, deep drenched in blood shall die. For those who live the century through In fear and trembling this shall do. Flee to the mountains and the dens To bog and forest and wild fens. For storms will rage and oceans roar When Gabriel stands on sea and shore And as he blows his wondrous horn Old worlds die and new be born. A fiery dragon will cross the sky Six times before this earth shall die Mankind will tremble and frightened be for the sixth heralds in this prophecy. For seven days and seven nights Man will watch this awesome sight. The tides will rise beyond their ken To bite away the shores and then The mountains will begin to roar And earthquakes split the plain to shore. And flooding waters, rushing in Will flood the lands with such a din That mankind cowers in muddy fen And snarls about his fellow men. He bares his teeth and fights and kills And secrets food in secret hills And ugly in his fear, he lies To kill marauders, thieves and spies. Man flees in terror from the floods And kills, and rapes and lies in blood And spilling blood by mankinds hands Will stain and bitter many lands (Mother Shipton's Prophecies. 08/26/08). Now if by century, the 20th century itself is indicated, then the above prophecy was partially false. However, if the century began once television became available ("When pictures seem alive with movements free"), then the century would not have begun until sometime in the 1920s, hence, this may indicate that flood and other prophecies are expected before the end of 2030. I should also add here that from the 12th century, in the so-called Malachy prophecies of the list of popes there is only has one pope left (Bander, Peter. The Prophecies of St. Malachy. TAN Books, Rockford (IL), 1973). And if there is only one more pope remaining, then some type of end is clearly predicted by some of the Catholics to occur in the 21st century --though 2012 is not specified in any accepted ones that I have seen. (For more information on Catholic prophesies, please see the article Catholic Prophecies: Do They Mirror, Highlight, or Contradict Biblical Prophecies? ) Satan Knows When the Great Tribulation Needs to Begin But why might there be a variety of predictions seemingly pointing to the second decade of the 21st century? Consistent with the beliefs of the early professors of Christ, those of us in the genuine Church of God believe that God has a 6,000 year plan for humanity to rule itself, and that this will be followed by a 1,000 year millennial reign of Jesus Christ on the earth. And this 6,000 years will be up sometime in the 21st century--probably in less then ten years. (Information on this from the Bible, early writers, and more recent writers can be found in the article Does God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6000 Years End? ) We also believe that the Great Tribulation will begin 3 1/2 years prior to the return of Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:20-21; Revelation 12:14; Daniel 12:7-12). Because Satan the devil clearly knows when God created Adam and Eve, it is clear that he knows when the Great Tribulation needs to start by. I suspect that because of this, and the fact that Satan understands astronomy, that he had those particular Mayan/Hopi/Hindu/Buddhist/New Age/I Ching prophecies recorded and saved in an effort to discredit the true Church of God. People should try not to be deceived by Satanically-inspired false prophecies Satan will encourage the world to hype up this event as he knows the world will not end then. And while I have nothing against the concept of movies on this subject, this combined with the perilous times we seem to be living in, will mean that many will be concerned that the negative interpretations of the Mayan December 21, 2012 date may be correct. But how would this discredit God's church? Well, since many believe that a major astronomical event is to occur in December 2012, this has given the Mayan/Hopi/I Ching prophecies a certain credibility. Massive amounts of people will at least consider that the world might end then. However, when the end does not happen then (and it is now impossible that December 21, 2012 is the date of the start of the Great Tribulation), many people will probably have an increased skepticism regarding negative end-time prophecies . Notice what the Apostle Peter was inspired to warn about that type of matter: 1 Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), 2 that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior, 3 knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." 5 For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, 6 by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. 7 But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. 8 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. (2 Peter 3:1-13) Because of false claims about Mayan and other "prophecies," including from some who profess Christ, more and more people are becoming prophetic skeptics ( Harold Camping had a role in that, especially in 2011). And increased prophetic skepticism is a likely "fruit" of those who claim that the world can end in 2012. Furthermore, official representatives of the Roman Catholic Church are not teaching that the end will come on December 21, 2012 (the current pope essentially hinted about this in early 2009). This may also increase the reputation of that church as a "credible source" on matters prophetic. And instead, it may eventually teach that its hope for age of peace will have started near then--which seems close to what some Hindus, New Agers, and Buddhists teach. If the Great Tribulation is to begin not too many years after the December 21, 2012 date (and it is highly likely that it will) and the genuie Church of God teaches that it is about to begin (which the true Church will), it is highly likely that certain Roman Catholics will teach that this is not true. New Age of Peace? 2012 was first popularized by José Argüelles as a date when he indicated could mark the beginning of a new age of peace. Dr. Argüelles was one of the original founders of “Earth Day” in 1970 and is considered a leader with New Age beliefs. According to Argüelles, the 5125 years (5200 tun) of the "Long Count from 3113 BC to 2012 AD, measures the entire span of what we call history, from its beginning to its end--from the building of Stonehenge to the Pyramids, the creation of the solar clock and written language (all around 3000 BC), to the "end of history" in our planetary birth into higher consciousness (Pinchbeck, Daniel. 2012 The Return of Quetzalcoatl. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, NY, 2007, p. 197). Here is some of what José Argüelles has written: When we look at the calendar…the thirteenth subcycle of this beam, began in 1618 and runs to 2012…There are actually many points of convergence among the Mayan galactic code, I Ching, the Book of Revelations, and many other systems… you have the mathematical code of the Book of Revelations, which is based on 7 and 13, and 144 and 144,000; it's the same number of the Mayan Code. The Mayan Code is the master code. It's the galactic code. It's the master program. (In Braden G. The Mystery of 2012: Predictions, Prophecies and Possibilities. Sounds True, Incorporated, 2009, pp. 74,78) Of course, the Mayan Code is NOT the master program. But many wonder if it might be. In his book, Peace is the Way , Deepak Chopra wrote that we are on the verge of a global shift in consciousness that will lead the world toward an age of peace because many in the West are becoming more accepting of New Age values—which he stated included a shift away from what he calls “religious fundamentalism”—which apparently would include the accepting of some future ecumenical religion (Schneider L. A New Age of Peace. viewed 03/14/09). Basically most who are part of the New Age Movement look forward to what some refer to as the "Aquarian Age". According to those adherents, this new age is dawning. It is expected soon and it believed to bring in peace and enlightenment and reunite humans with God. People within this movement tend to believe t hat humans are separated from God because of lack of understanding and knowledge concerning the true nature of God and reality. Here is some of what Religious Tolerance has reported about the New Age Movement: New Age beliefs : A number of fundamental beliefs are held by many New Age followers… bala Universal Religion: Since all is God, then only one reality exists, and all religions are simply different paths to that ultimate reality. The universal religion can be visualized as a mountain, with many sadhanas (spiritual paths) to the summit. Some are hard; others easy. There is no one correct path. All paths eventually reach the top. They anticipate that a new universal religion which contains elements of all current faiths will evolve and become generally accepted worldwide. bala New World Order As the Age of Aquarius unfolds, a New Age will develop. This will be a utopia in which there is world government, and end to wars, disease, hunger, pollution, and poverty. Gender, racial, religious and other forms of discrimination will cease. People's allegiance to their tribe or nation will be replaced by a concern for the entire world and its people. And some in that movement are looking towards 2012 as the start of its ecumenical new age. Because of its limited structure and apparent beliefs, I am concerned that many New Agers are likely to be influenced by one who proclaims peace accompanied by signs and wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9) and establishes a religion that people all around the world will worship (Revelation 13:3-4). I am concerned, that like some of the Hindus, when a leader rises up proclaiming a new ecumenical religion that he will likely claim will lead to an “age of peace” that many within this movement will decide that this leader is the one that their movement needs in order for the world to have peace. But it is not just those that are New Agers, Hindus, Buddhists, or other such faiths that are looking for a time of peace. As mentioned earlier, even many Catholic writers have longed for a time prior to the return of Christ for an age of peace. Here are some who have done so: D. Birch (20th century): This would be a Minor Chastisement preceding an Age of Peace. It is not the Tribulation… The Great King will establish Peace and justice in civil matters on a worldwide basis, and protect the primacy of the Church in spiritual matters (Birch, pp. xlii-xliii, 555). H. Kramer (20th century): Verses 20 and 21 presage a time of peace between the first reign of terror in the second woe and the reign of Antichrist ( Kramer, HBL The Book of Destiny. Nihil Obstat: JS Considine, OP, Censor Deputatus. Imprimatur: +Joseph M. Mueller, Bishop of Sioux City, Iowa, January 26, 1956. Reprint TAN Books, Rockford (IL), p. 228). Y. Dupont : (20th century): a period of peace...In short, virtually the whole world will be Catholic (Dupont, p. 90). Telesphorus of Cozensa (16th century). "A powerful French Monarch and French Pope will regain the Holy Land after terrible wars in Europe. They will convert the world and bring universal peace (Dupont, p. 31). Mother Alphonse Eppinger (1867): After God has purified the world faith and peace will return. Whole nations will adhere to the teachings of the Catholic Church (Connor, Edward. Prophecy for Today. Imprimatur + AJ Willinger, Bishop of Monterey-Fresno; Reprint: Tan Books and Publishers, Rockford (IL), 1984, p. 25). Werdin d' Otrante (13th century): "The Great Monarch and the Great Pope will precede Antichrist...All the sects will vanish. The capital of the world will fall...The Great Monarch will come and restore peace and the Pope will share in the victory (Connor, p. 33). John of the Cleft Rock (1340): The White Eagle (Great Monarch), by order of the Archangel Michael, will drive crescent from Europe where none but Christians will remain--he himself will rule from Constantinople. An era of peace and prosperity will begin for the world (Connor, pp. 33-34). St. Methodius (4th century). But a Great King will arise to fight the enemies of God. He will defeat them, and peace will be given to the world, and the Church will be freed from her anxieties (Dupont, p. 13). Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser (died 1658): He will root out false doctrines and destroy the rule of the Moslemism. His dominion will extend from the East to the West. All nations will adore God their Lord according to Catholic teaching… The reign of the Great Ruler may be compared with that of Caesar Augustus, who became Emperor after his victory over his enemies, thereby giving peace to the world... The Fifth Epoch of time dates from the reign of Charles V until the reign of the Great Monarch (Connor, pp. 35-36). But notice that this "age of peace" happens when a dictator (like the one the Hindu Vijay Kumar mentioned) rises up and crushes all opposition. This is NOT God's age of peace. Hopefully, Catholics wanting to be faithful to scripture will realize this. Also notice that although they were not pointing to 2012, some Catholic writers seem to know and have warned of a false age of peace: The Ecstatic of Tours : When everyone believes that peace is assured, when everyone least expects it, the great happenings will begin…(Dupont, p.37). Robert Conte, Jr. (21st century): They will obtain a kind of false peace, which is an exterior-only peace brought about by severities in law enforcement, by excessively harsh punishments, and by a sinful permissiveness that does not count as a crime many acts that are certainly crimes against humanity and against God. There will also be little or no war, except between the kingdom of the North (Europe) and the kingdom of the South (Israel, Middle East, northern Africa)...The Antichrist then decides to try to destroy the Church from within, by making it legal for these apostates and heretics to openly practice their perverse version of Catholicism. He give them control of church buildings and he alters laws, customs, and culture in order to support their ideas (Conte Jr., Ronald L. The Great Apostasy and the Abomination of Desolation. December 23, 2005. viewed 12/13/08). It should be mentioned that the Bible specifically warns that a time is coming were false visionaries will claim a time of peace that will en d in sudden destruction: 6 They have envisioned futility and false divination, saying, 'Thus says the LORD!' But the LORD has not sent them; yet they hope that the word may be confirmed. 7 Have you not seen a futile vision, and have you not spoken false divination? You say, 'The LORD says,' but I have not spoken." 8 Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: "Because you have spoken nonsense and envisioned lies, therefore I am indeed against you," says the Lord GOD. 9 My hand will be against the prophets who envision futility and who divine lies; they shall not be in the assembly of My people, nor be written in the record of the house of Israel, nor shall they enter into the land of Israel. Then you shall know that I am the Lord GOD. 10 Because, indeed, because they have seduced My people, saying, 'Peace!' when there is no peace (Ezekiel 13:6-10). Might the end of 2012 be the called the start of this g olden age of peace that many in many lands have longed for? It may be, but it will not be real and lasting peace. Actually, according to the Bible, things will get so bad that unless God intervened (and He will), all flesh would be destroyed (Matthew 24:22). So, the real age of peace WILL NOT begin in 2012. Perhaps it should also be noted that an old Mayan writing suggests trouble which is then followed by the time of Antichrist: Prepare yourselves to endure the burden of misery which comes to your villages. This katun which has been established is, a katun of misery, a katun of opportunity of the devil when it is established in Katun 11 Ahua...Antichrist, on that day which is to come, on that day which confronts you, alas, in much misery sons. This is the word of our Lord: "It shall burn on earth, there shall be a white circle in the sky, in that katun in time to come"...that katun will be established in Christianity (José Hoíl J, Roys R. The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel. Roys Publisher, 1933. Reprint Forgotten Books, 1967, pp. 100-101) And since the Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012, this predictions would seem to be outside of it, so a troubled age would still seem to be due afterwards (if it is to come to pass). Barack Obama, Julia Gillard, and 2012 Predictions? Are there Barack Obama or Julia Gillard (Australia's prime minister) prophecies related to 2012? First, Julia Gillard is the first female to become prime minister of Australia. There is a biblical prophecy that states: As for My people, children are their oppressors, And women rule over them. ¡Oh, pueblo mío! Those who lead you cause you to err, And destroy the way of your paths…(Isaiah 3:12) Of course, women are influential in the English-speaking nations and it was not absolutely required that Australia would have a woman prime minister. But since this has happened it is be a partial, but significant, fulfillment of that prophecy. There have been a lot of concerns about US president Barack Obama as there are some non-biblical prophecies, and even one biblical prophecy, some have claimed are related to him. For example, there is claimed to be an early 20th century prophecy by Johanwa Owalo, the founder of Kenya's Nomiya Luo Church, in 1912 made this prophecy about the United States: “So far have they [the United States] strayed into wickedness in those [future] times that their destruction has been sealed by my [father]. Their great cities will burn, their crops and cattle will suffer disease and death, their children will perish from diseases never seen upon this Earth, and I reveal to you the greatest [mystery] of all as I have been allowed to see that their [the United States] destruction will come about through the vengeful hands of one of our very own sons.” (for more details, please see Barack Obama, Prophecy, and the Destruction of the United States ). Sin ce Barack Obama's father is ethnically a Luo of Kenya (see Kenya Rejoices as Obama Wins ), Barack Obama seems to meet the criteria above as being "one of our our very sons". Irrespective of possible Kenyan prophecies, Bible prophecy itself warns that if the descendants of Israel sinned and did not repent, the following would happen: 43 The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower (Deuteronomy 28:43). 12 As for My people, children are their oppressors, And women rule over them. ¡Oh, pueblo mío! Those who lead you cause you to err, And destroy the way of your paths.” (Isaiah 3:12) 16 For the leaders of this people cause them to err, And those who are led by them are destroyed (Isaiah 9:16). Since multiple millions of the physical descendants of reside in the United States (see Anglo - America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel ), the above prophecies are likely to be fulfilled, to a degree, during Barack Obama's presidency. While I believe that Barack Obama is basically a sincere and well-meaning individual, I believe that since he may be the last (and certainly one of the last) USA presidents, he will somewhat fulfill the last two prophecies (and I also felt that John McCain would help fulfill the last two biblical prophecies above if he was e lected, see the older news item US Election Tomorrow: Pray & Fast ). Now (despite birth certificate issues) I do not doubt that Barack Obama is an American citizen (see Obama's Citizenship? ) and I do not believe that he is a private Muslim. However, because Barack Obama's father is Luo Kenyan, his mother is at least part Native Am erican, AND because he was partially raised in Indonesia, in those ways he could be perceived as an alien. Hence, the biblical prophecy in Deuteronomy 28:43 MIGHT apply to Barack Obama (and it may also have multiple applications). Additionally, there is an amazing old Shiite prophecy that seems to fit Barack Hussein Obama personally. Notice what Forbes' writer Amir Taheri reported: Is Barack Obama the “ promised warrior ” coming to help the Hidden Imam of Shiite Muslims conquer the world? …a pro-government Web site published a Hadith (or tradition) from a Shiite text of the 17th century. The tradition comes from Bahar al-Anvar (meaning Oceans of Light) by Mullah Majlisi, a magnum opus in 132 volumes and the basis of modern Shiite Islam. According to the tradition, Imam Ali Ibn Abi-Talib (the prophet's cousin and son-in-law) prophesied that at the End of Times and just before the return of the Mahdi, the Ultimate Saviour, a “tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West.” Commanding “the strongest army on earth,” the new ruler in the West will carry “a clear sign” from the third imam, whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali. The tradition concludes: “Shiites should have no doubt that he is with us .” In a curious coincidence Obama's first and second names–Barack Hussein–mean “the blessing of Hussein” in Arabic and Persian. His family name, O bama, written in the Persian alphabet, reads O Ba Ma, which means “he is with us,” the magic formula in Majlisi's tradition (for more details, please see Barack Obama in Islamic Prophecy? ). Since Barack Hussein Obama is considered to be black and he leads the most powerful army in the world, it makes sense that a lot of Shiite Muslims believe that he may fit the Islamic prophecy. (Perhaps I should add that while I have seen wild speculation how 2012 can be found in Islamic prophecies, that date itself does not seem to be there--the Mahdi, being expected during an even year, does support late 2012 (the Islamic calendar differs from the Roman one). Thus, there are several Islamic prophecies that many may find of interest, please see The Arab World In the Bible, History, and Prophecy for details.) His first name is of Hebrew origin. Interestingly, there is a timid warrior in the Hebrew scriptures named Barak who needed women to help in battle in Judges 4:6-9. Here is the related meaning of that name: OT:1300 baraq (baw-rawk'); from OT:1299; lightning; by analogy, a gleam; concretely, a flashing sword: (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.) His middle name is Arabic for handsome. While Obama is a Luo Kenyan word, if it originally came from Hebrew, it most likely would have come from the word "Bama" (I have read, but not verified, that the Latin "O" is sometimes used in Hebrew as a conjunction such as meaning "and"): The meaning of the name Bama is: Son of prophecy ( viewed 11/16/08). So, combining the definitions above, the name Baraq Hussein Bama would essentially mean the Handsome Timid Gleam and Son of Prophecy . But what does anything about Barack Obama have to do with 2012? First of all, presuming he remains in office, Barack Obama will be the president of the United States on December 21, 2012. The next USA presidential election is also scheduled for 2012. Also, Julia Gillard may still be prime minister at that time. Se condly, according to the Malachy prophecies, there is only one pope left--the one who could be the antipope, the final Antichrist --and he may be around near 2012 (see Prophecies of Barack Obama? ). Thirdly, according to a prediction by the Catholic mystic Nostradamus, there is a prophecy that might involve Barack Obama and the Antichrist (see Prophecies of Barack Obama? ), and events around 2012 may impact this. Fourthly, while I believe that according to Bible prophecy that the end of the 6000 years for humanity to rule itself cutoff from God is almost over ( Does God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? ), that presuming that Barack Obama is re-elected and the Great Tribulation will begin within a few years after 2012, that Barack Obama will likely b e the final leader of the United States of America. Julia Gillard may possibly be the last leader of Australia. And even if he is not the last president (a Republican could get elected that could chill US/EU relations), it is likely that his presidency will set the stage for the rising of the prophesied King of the South (which Muslims seem to feel will be their Mahdi) as well as for the rising of the prophesied King of the North , and the ultimate bankrupting and finally utter destruction of the United States of America and its Anglo-allies (please see Anglo - America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel ). Additionally, notice what I wrote in my 2009 book 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect : ...the Bible predicts that at the appointed time, a King of the North and a King of the South with rise. Various statements that Barack Obama has made suggest that he will implement policies that will likely help lead to the multi-national formations that will ultimately have these kings. With the American support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egpyt, Syria, and Libya, plus the endorsement of Ennahda in Tunisia in 2011, Barack Obama has already done that. Many predictions about Barack Obama in my book 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect have come to pass (at least ten so far; see also 2012 - Ten Fulfilled Barack Obama Prophecies ) and more will as well. Notice what I posted related to Australia's Prime Minister in 2010: Certain biblical, Chinese, and other prophecies, mentioned in the Arroyo Grande, California published book 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect , discuss that how Australia itself may become taken over. By virtue of her timing, Julia Gillard may inadvertently pursue policies that will lead to the fulfillment of various end time prophecies. Her role as Australia's new prime minister will have prophetic ramifications. ( Australia Now Has a Female Prime Minister: Prophetic Ramifications? June 24, 2010) Furthermore, since she is now in office, Julia Gillard may inadvertantly put into place policies that will insure that Australia is also destroyed and taken over. ( End of Mayan Calendar 2012 . Summer 2010) Notice what she and Barack Obama did on November 16, 2011 as I posted: The USA and Australia officially expanded military ties today by agreeing to have US Marines “permanently” stationed in northern Australia: US and Australia Seal Expanded Military Ties By JACKIE CALMES Published: November 16, 2011 CANBERRA, Australia — President Obama and Prime Minister Julia Gillard of Australia made it official on Wednesday: The United States will have an increased and constant military presence on the continent's north side, symbolizing America's renewed security interests in the Pacific Rim… The presence of US troops in {Australia by} China may be used as part of its possible future justification for taking the land of Australia. The Chinese may claim something to the effect that Australia is really a military pawn/representative of the USA and thus, since the USA owes them money, taking over Australia will help settle that debt. And on November 17, 2011, I posted: China getting upset enough about the USA troops to be stationed in Australia that it is dropping militaristic hints: A Marine Base for Australia Irritates China DARWIN, Australia — Fresh from announcing an expanded American military presence in Australia, a plan that has angered China , President Obama came to this remote northern town that will be the base of operations… The Global Times, a state-run news organization known for its nationalist and bellicose commentaries, issued a stronger reaction in an editorial, saying that Australia should be cautious about allowing the United States to use bases there to “harm China” and that it risked getting “caught in the Well, so it only took about a week from when I first reported that I thought that China would not like the US Marines in Australia for them to come up and start to complain, as well as to indicate that I am correct that China may use this as justification to attack Australia (see Obama Putting 'Permanent' Troops in Australia Because of China, But… ). Notice what I posted on November 10, 2011: The presence of US troops in China may be used as part of its possible future justification for taking the land of Australia. The Chinese may claim something to the effect that Australia is really a military pawn/representative of the USA…The implication for Australia is more than profound–the implications are disastrous. The hint by the Chinese that Australia risked getting “caught in the cross-fire” seems to be the first concrete step in that direction. Thus, it appears that Julia Gillard has taken steps that could result in China invading Australia as I warned years ago. (Australia is also discussed in Anglo - America in Prophecy & the Lost Tribes of Israel ). Weather Problems Back in 2009, my book, 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect mentioned the following was about to happen: Odd weather patterns result in food shortages and natural disasters. Matthew 24:7 The world is actually in a berserk transition, as the real age of peace is not yet here. It may be a period of chaos. It is the beginning of sorrows Matthew 24:8 Severe weather extremes set records in the USA and other lands in 2011 ( NRDC: All US States Had Extreme Weather; Confirms 2012 Book Prediction and 'Biblical weather' ) and 2012 ( Earthquakes, South African Snow, Heat Record, Drought, and Food Prices , Flooding in North Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, and China , TW: Drought USA and Flooding UK; Russia Having Both , Quarter Million Affected by Flooding in Japan , Severely Cold Weather in South Africa and Australia, Drought in Mid-USA Affecting Grain , 2012 Drought Declared USA's Largest Ever Natural Disaster , and Weather Extremes in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK ). And food production is being affected (see USDA Slashes Corn and Soy Production Estimates Due to Drought , Drought Affecting India and Its Food Supply; Europe too , and Drought Reducing Wheat Yields in US, Australia, Russia, and Ukraine ). Droughts, floods, earthquakes, and odd weather problems should serve as a wake-up call. Weather-related troubles with their related food issues, of course, have been biblically expected: 7…And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. (Matthew 24:7-8). 8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8) Troubles and sorrows that Jesus predicted are happening. Superstorm Sandy was only one weather-issue, worse storms are coming after 2012. So What Does the Mayan 2012 Date Mean? Some, like Quetzil Castañeda, have called 2012 "a gringo invention" (Miller L. 2012: A Y2K for the New Age. Newsweek, Published May 2, 2009, from the magazine issue dated May 18, 2009. viewed 06/27/09). Part of the reason for that is that the ancient pre-Columbian Mayans were not clear as to what, if any, interpretation their drawings or end of their long-count calendar signified. But the reality is that many cultures seem to be looking for something to happen in this decade. The Mayan 2012 calendar date, itself, correctly seems to predict a type of an astronomical event. That is part of its value. There are basically four possibilities that most have concluded about December 21, 2012: 2012 is an insignificant semi-astronomical event and nothing else and means nothing--a real possibility. 2012 marks the end of civilization and the destruction of the world by flood--not a possibility. The world will not end in 2012. 2012 marks the beginning of a new age of peace--not a real possibility--though many hope for it. 2012 marks, not an age of true peace, but it could mark the time when the following prophecy is fulfilled: "Because, indeed, because they have seduced My people, saying, 'Peace!' when there is no peace" (Ezekiel 13:10)--a real possibility. But , there is a also fifth possibility as this paper has covered--while an astronomical event may occur (as well as apparently an increase in sunspot activity) and some may claim it is a time of peace dawning, the 2012 prophecies may simply be part of a Satanic deception. And although many sorrows will likely take place that year, the absolute end will not be then. This particular set of Mayan prophecies may have been retained because Satan wants to add further confusion to end-time prophecies just prior to the Great Tribulation. And this coincides with prophecies from others like the Hopis and the Hindus. And even the Catholic Malachy. While those in the genuine Church of God should be aware of these prophecies, we have nothing to fear from them specifically (though the Bible does warn about persecutions that will come just before the end). But since it appears that the Bible does have a 6,000 year plan, the end will apparently come in the first quarter of the 21st century ( Does God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? ). Regarding massive future catastrophe, the Bible specifically shows that Jesus promises to protect the Philadelphia portion of the Church of God "from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world" (Revelation 3:7,10). Those who submit to God and are called to part of that portion of the church will be protected in a place in the wilderness. However, since the Great Tribulation is coming AND it is likely to come not too long after 2012 ( When Can the Great Tribulation Begin? ), I believe that the Mayan calendar date should serve as a warning that although the end is prophesied to come in the Bible, that many will misunderstand when it is to come and who they should believe about the time of the time. The end is coming, but not until several year after December 22, 2012. Para más información: Introducing... 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect . Finally a book that not only looks at 2012, but looks at what ancient writings from many sources predict will happen in the next several years . Since the book was released, world events have lined up with at least 21 predictions in it. Disaster is coming, but ultimately a glorious age of peace is coming to. Are you interested in learning more than you can from a website article? Do you know what prophecies by the world's major religions expect will happen next decade? Find out from the book, below. es_order_now Order the book or read reviews at Amazon . How will 2012 actually affect your life? Find out who will act on their beliefs - and who will try to make certain prophecies come to pass. The end is coming, find out the time prophecies really point to. Understand what steps you should and should not take for yourself and your family. Discover when precious metals and currencies will and will not have value. Learn the striking similarities among: Mayan, Hopi, Catholic, I Ching, Biblical, Islamic Byzantine, Hindu, Chinese and Tibetan prophecies. Learn which predictions line up with Bible prophecies. 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect contains hundreds of well documented prophecies. World events, aligning with at least 24 predictions in 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect, have already come to pass since that book came out. Do you want to learn the others that will come to pass? Or do you prefer the uncertainty about what is already happening? es_order_now This book is also available in the Spanish ( 2012 y el surgimiento de la secta secreta ), Portuguese 2012 eo Surgimento da Seita Secreta , and German languages ( 2012 und das Auftreten der geheimen Sekte and 2012 und das Auftreten der geheimen Sekte (German Kindle Edition) ). World events, aligning with at least 24 predictions in 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect, have already come to pass since that book came out in September 2009. If you are interested in real prophecy, the book truly will help you learn what else will come to pass. Order 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect now. The book sells for $19.98 plus shipping and handling from and $19.98 plus shipping and handling ($4.98 USA addresses, $14.00 for all others) at website (the price will show .01 as PayPal does not allow a zero price). Well, for the next two weeks, the book will be available for shipping & handling only at This offer expires on November 14, 2012, so act today. Thiel B. End of Mayan Calendar 2012. (c) First edition: January 13, 2008 (Last update 2009/2011/2012 1105)

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