jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

Tsarnaev Motivated by US Wars

Tsarnaev Motivated by US Wars

School Protects Sexual Attacker Sports Star
Jon Stewart Slams CNN ... Again] 1 Mostrar detalles DeArmando Soto Baeza ParaPatria es Humanidad en riseup 1 Archivo adjunto


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NEWS UPDATE - April 23, 2013

Blowback: Suspect in Boston Attack Cites U.S. Wars as Motivation

Alex Kane, AlterNet

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev told U.S. interrogators that U.S. wars motivated him and his brother to carry out the attacks in Boston. READ MORE»


School Principal Discouraged Teen Girl from Reporting Sexual Assault Because It Would Ruin Attacker's Basketball Career

Jessica Mason Pieklo, RH Reality Check

Her attacker went on to assault another girl just 2 weeks later. And the story only gets worse. READ MORE»


America's Baffling Historical Amnesia: Suddenly President Bush's Approval Ratings Are the Same As Obama's

Alex Kane, AlterNet

A new poll shows that President George W. Bush’s reputation has a chance of being rehabilitated. READ MORE»


Jon Stewart's Hilarious Take-Down of CNN's Boston Coverage


The most trusted name in news? READ MORE»


EPA Slams State’s Draft Impact Statement For Keystone XL

By Ryan Koronowski, Climate Progress

Here are the reasons EPA said that the State Department’s assessment needs more work. READ MORE»


How Cable News Terrorizes America

By Murtaza Hussain, Al Jazeera

Why tens of thousands of gun deaths a year can be taken in stride as "the price of freedom", while a single bombing prompts calls for the suspension of civil liberties. READ MORE»


Mayor Bloomberg Wants to "Re-interpret" the Constitution in Order to Keep You Safe

By Alex Kane, AlterNet

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg can't stop politicizing the Boston Marathon bombings. READ MORE»


Republicans Too Busy Ranting on Fox News to Actually Write Any Bills

By Jonathan Bernstein, Salon

Has the party become "post-policy"? The modern GOP simply have given up on and lost the capacity for developing policy ideas. READ MORE»


40 Years in Solitary? New Documentary Interrogates America's Nightmare System of Punishment

By Angad Bhalla, Creative Time Reports

Over 80,000 people are being held in solitary confinement in the United States. READ MORE»


France Approves Gay Marriage Despite Right-Wing Protest, Attacks by Skinheads

By Alex Kane, AlterNet

The bill legalizing gay marriage passed today by 331 to 225. READ MORE»


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