viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

Why Coca-Cola is #NotInMyFridge

Why Coca-Cola is #NotInMyFridge - Armando Soto
Baeza <>

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Asunto: Why Coca-Cola is #NotInMyFridge
Fecha: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:04:54 -0500 (EST)
De: Friends of Al-Aqsa
Responder a:

FOA Launches boycott of Coca Cola, 20th December
Today (28 November) Coca-Cola has announced that its iconic Coca-Cola truck is back on the road and FOA has called for a boycott of Coke, in response to its support of Israel and it's illegal and immoral occupation.
We must be clear, no matter how big a company is, its brand will be damaged if it supports the illegal occupation of Palestine. FOA will officially launch the #NotInMyFridge campaign on Saturday 20 December.
Why coke is #NotInMyFridge
  • Coke has partnered with the America Israel Business Connector to promote Israeli companies globally - using the 'Bridge' project. This defies the boycott call.
  • Coke violates international law and supports Israel's occupation by operating in Atarot and Shadmot illegal settlements. It owns a dairy and a distribution plant in these illegal settlements.
  • Buying produce from companies which operate in settlements means we as consumers are complicit in Israel's illegal actions.
  • Coke owns Tabor Winery in the stolen and occupied Syrian Golan Heights. Tabor's web-site shows utter disregard for the real ownership of the land, instead falsely claiming that it is Israeli.
How can you support the #NotInMyFridge Campaign?
1. Sign up to thunderclap now and help increase the exposure of this campaign.
2. Take a fridge selfie or record a video and post it up using #NotInMyFridge on 20 December from 1:00 PM (GMT) onwards. Nominate your friends and family to join the campaign by tagging them in!
3. Join the Twitter storm at 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM on 20 December so that you can be a part of the #NotInMyFridge campaign and find out about our secret launch event.
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UK based non-profit making NGO concerned with defending the human rights of Palestinians and protecting the sacred
al-Aqsa Sanctuary in Jerusalem. This vision is supported by various international groups and organisations.

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