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Libro en PDF 10 MITOS identidad mexicana (PROFECIA POSCOVID)

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jueves, 5 de enero de 2017

US involvement in international issues does not solve them rather it perpetuates them, according to Dr. Ron Paul, an American political commentator and former congressman.
For instance, he noted that it was Washington’s intervention that did not let the 6-year-old Syrian crisis get resolved all this time.  
Paul, the founder of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, made the remarks in an articel published on Monday, days after a ceasefire agreement in Syria was worked out by Russia, Turkey, and Iran.
“What is so important about this particular ceasefire?” Dr. Paul asked. “It was planned, agreed to, and implemented without the participation of the United States government.”
“In fact it was frustration with Washington’s refusal to separate its 'moderates' from terrorist groups and its continued insistence on regime change for the Syrian government that led the three countries to pursue a solution on their own for Syria,” he explained.
“They also included the Syrian government and much of the opposition in the agreement, which the US government has been unwilling to do,” he added.
Dr. Paul suggested that if the US was involved, the Syrian deal might have failed, because “it is often US involvement in ‘solving’ these crises that actually perpetuates them.”
“Consider the 60-plus year state of war between North and South Korea. Has US intervention done anything to solve the problem? How about our decades of meddling in the Israel-Palestine dispute? Are we any closer to peace between the Israelis and Palestinians despite the billions we have spent bribing and interfering?” the political analyst asked.
On Saturday, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution endorsing the ceasefire agreement in Syria, which also aims to pave the way for new peace talks next month.
The text of the UN resolution "welcomes and supports the efforts by Russia and Turkey to end violence in Syria and jumpstart a political process."
Dr. Paul argued that “US obstruction in Syria kept the war going,” for six long years.
“Non-intervention in the affairs of others does not damage US credibility overseas. It is US meddling, bombing, droning, and regime-changing that damages our credibility overseas,” he stated.
“As the Syrians and Russians were liberating east Aleppo from its four year siege by al-Qaeda, the Obama administration was demanding a ceasefire. As Syrians began to move back into their homes in east Aleppo, the State Department continued to tell us that the Russians and Syrian government were slaughtering civilians for the fun of it,” he continued.
Last month, US Secretary of State John Kerry accused the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of perpetrating a Srebrenica-style "massacre" in Aleppo, after the eastern part of the city was liberated by the Syrian army from militants, mostly foreigners.
"The Assad regime is actually carrying out nothing short of a massacre,” Kerry said.

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