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sábado, 17 de julio de 2021

[Gaza] Hidden in Plain Sight: webinar on Canada-Israel Arms Trade, July 18 at 3 pm EDT

 [Gaza] Hidden in Plain Sight: webinar on Canada-Israel Arms Trade, July 18 at 3 pm EDT

  • CanadaBoat Gaza <>Cancelar suscripción
    Para:Gaza info list
    sáb 17 de jul. a las 06:56
    Please join us if you can, and share widely to help spread the word. Registration, Facebook and Twitter links below.

    Hidden in Plain Sight 
    Uncovering the Canada-Israel Weapons & Surveillance Trade

    July 18 2021 | 3:00pm EDT | Register here.

    A few months ago it was announced that the Canadian military would buy new drone surveillance technology manufactured in Israel and 'battle-tested' during Israel’s 2014 assault on Gaza, when 164 children were killed by drone strikes.

    While the subsequent public outcry was well-warranted, this announcement was simply a rare peak into a massive—and very secretive— ongoing collaboration between Canada and Israel on their weapons and surveillance systems. This includes extensive investments by the Canadian Pension Fund in Israel's weapons, Canadian companies manufacturing parts for Israel's weapons systems, Canada and Israel conducting joint police and military exercises, and the two countries' regular sharing of security information.

    The good news for antiwar and Palestinian human rights activists is that a new searchable database has just been developed — the Database of Israeli Military and Security Export (DIMSE, 

    On July 18 Independent Jewish Voices and World BEYOND War are hosting an interactive webinar to provide an introduction to the Israel-Canada arms and surveillance trade, as well as a hands-on training on how to use DIMSE as a valuable tool to dig into the trade and use of Israeli military, security, police weapons and surveillance systems and their suppliers. 

    Speakers include:

    • Mark Ayyash: professor of sociology at Mount Royal University. His research includes the study of violence, post colonial theory and history, culture and politics in Palestine-Israel.
    • Jonathan Hempel: researcher for the American Friends Service Committee and the co-founder of the Database of Israeli Military and Security Export
    • Sahar Vardi: an Israeli anti-militarist activist and one of the founders of Hamushim, a project challenging Israel's military industry and arms trade.

    We hope you will join us on July 18 at 3:00pm EDT as we learn the information and tools that will empower our solidarity with those most impacted by the weapons trade and our organizing for a world beyond war.  Please register here to reserve your spot

    In solidarity,

    -- your hosts, World BEYOND War and Independent Jewish Voices

    P.S. Can you help us spread the word? Please forward this email, join the facebook event and share on twitter. And if you're part of a group that would like to endorse this event please let us know. 

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    Bateau canadien pour GAZA: courriel:

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