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Libro en PDF 10 MITOS identidad mexicana (PROFECIA POSCOVID)

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sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015

Proyecto Habesha - ¿Qué Significa traer 30 Refugiados Sirios a México?

Proyecto Habesha - ¿Qué Significa traer 30 Refugiados Sirios a México?


DIMA Mexico

30 de abril de 2015, 17:16
Para: Distribution list
The week of april 27th
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El Dr. Mauricio Meschulam, destacado internacionalista Mexicano se une  a la campana #EnMexicoSepuede y reflexiona sobre ¿Qué significa traer 30 refugiados sirios a México? El mundo, ese del que irremediablemente formamos parte, no parece detenerse. No nos quiere regalar una pausa siquiera. Si no es Siria es Irak. Si no es Irak es Nigeria. Si no es Nigeria es Ucrania, China, Gaza, Somalia o Libia. Y si no es Libia o Somalia, es Iguala, Michoacán...(Presione aqui para continuar leyendo
El Proyecto  Habesha, un mensaje de solidaridad al pueblo sirio La iniciativa humanitaria internacional conocida como Proyecto Habesha se dio a conocer en el Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Querétaro...(Presione aqui para continuar leyendo

Conflict & 


A Syrian Family Risks Death on the Mediterranean.
“It is hard for me to think about the future right now,” says Houda, as we sit together in the courtyard of a reception centre on Italy’s Lampedusa Island. As the blazing summer sun beats down, she lets out a weary sigh....(Click image to continue reading)
Islamist rebels capture army base in Syria's Idlib province. 
A coalition of Islamist rebels seized an army base in northwestern Syria at dawn on Monday after a suicide bomber from al Qaeda's Nusra Front drove a truck packed with explosives into the compound and blew it up....(Click here to continue reading)
Activists Report Another Chemical Weapons Attack By Regime Forces In Syria. 
Syrian activist groups on Wednesday reported another suspected chemical attack in the northwestern province of Idlib, with one group tweeting that a dozen people were "suffocating."....(Click here to continue reading)


& analyisis

Assad’s hold on power looks shakier than ever as rebels advance in Syria
Surge of rebel gains in Syria is overturning long-held assumptions about the durability of President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, which now appears in greater peril than at any time in the past three years.....(Click on image to continue reading).
Syria relaxes passport rules, letting refugees and draft dodgers apply. 
Some say change is concession to Syrian opposition; others call it a way for regime to raise funds or track opponents....
(Click here to continue reading)
Statement on a Syrian Policy Framework. 
On its current trajectory, and with no military or diplomatic breakthrough on the horizon, the Syrian war will worsen. Four years into a popular uprising that gradually degenerated into civil strife and regional proxy war, the conflict’s Syrian protagonists – the regime and its loyalist militias versus the broad spectrum of armed rebel factions and the external political opposition ....(Click here to continue reading)

Official Documents & Reports

United Nations Security Council (7433th Meeting), Open Briefing on the Humanitarian Situation in Syria, Remarks by António Guterres. We are all longing for a shred of hope, for some good news, but since my last briefing to this Council, things have only gotten worse.
(Click on image to continue reading).

Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos Briefing to the Security Council on Syria
Since my first briefing to the Council on Syria some three years ago, we have sat in this chamber
many times and borne witness to the spiraling violence... 
(Click here to continue reading)
Syrian Refugees in Turkey: The Long Road Ahead 
Turkey now hosts the world’s largest community of Syrians displaced by the ongoing conflict in their country. According to United Nations estimates, Turkey’s Syrian refugee population was more than 1.7 million as of mid-March 2015...(Click here to continue reading)

The DIMA Syria Brief is a weekly distribution of DIMA within the frame of the implementation of the Habesha Project; an international initiative aimed at sending a message of solidarity to the Syrian nation by allowing a group of Syrian refugees to travel to Mexico to complete their higher education. Furthermore, the Project seeks to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East and its regional and global implications. The Brief is produced by students of universities partnering with DIMA.  

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