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Libro en PDF 10 MITOS identidad mexicana (PROFECIA POSCOVID)

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sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

Black flags on Europe's doorstep: Inside ISIS's new capital Sirte on Libya's coast

Black flags on Europe's doorstep: Inside ISIS's new capital Sirte on Libya's coast

THE brutal Islamic State (ISIS) terror group has founded a new capital in north Africa - its first outside Iraq and Syria and within touching distance of Europe.

ISIS militants in propaganda imagesIG
Sirte is now the capital of Islamic State
The Mediterranean port city of Sirte, just a few hundred miles from Europe's coastline, is now the de facto base of the jihadist group’s Libyan wing.
Terror experts now fear the Islamic State in Libya – or ISL – is strengthening its hold on the region, and Sirte could soon rival Raqqa in Syria or Mosul in Iraq as a headquarters for the barbaric organisation. 
In June, ISL militants took Sirte's power plant, giving them complete control of the city.
It triggered the looting of the homes of local politicians and the grudging admittance from senior Libyan officials that the city was no longer under government control.
Since early summer the ISIS-loyal extremists have now ramped up their "state-building" efforts as they establish a full-blown city state in Sirte.
In acts that bear a chilling resemblance to the establishment of their declared 'caliphate' in Syria and Iraq, ISIS-inspired fighters have plastered the group’s black flag across the city and have erected billboards promoting their hate-filled messages.
The group took control of the city’s TV and radio station, hospital and university and ISL are now using the city's former internal security building as its command centre. 
ISL is also engaged in a propaganda war to promote life in the Sirte 'caliphate' as peaceful and prosperous.
Aaron Zelin, a research fellow on the jihadist movement from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said the group had “shown off the city's landscapes, port, bustling markets, and fully stocked grocery stores” in a bid to appeal to new recruits. 
Sirte is now regarded as the centre of ISL - and of ISIS in north Africa.
Mr Zelin added: “ISL is now in the state-building stage - it aims to show residents that life is continuing and that its presence has brought normalcy and stability.”
ISIS in LibyaIG
Sirte sits on Libya's coastline
ISIS hand out propaganda leaflets in Sirte trafficIG
ISIS hand out propaganda leaflets in Sirte traffic
ISIS billboard in SirteIG
An ISIS billboard in Sirte warns women to wear a burqa
Sirte is now regarded as the centre of ISL - and of ISIS in north Africa
ISIS is likely to become a “far more formidable force” following its gains in north Africa, according to the Washington-based security analyst, who warned bloodthirsty militants were close to capturing a key oil field in lawless Libya.
The country is in chaos as two governments and parliaments vie for power, while ISIS and other armed groups exploit a security vacuum four years after the Western-backed ousting of dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
A year ago an alliance of local militias, known as Libya Dawn, drove the internationally recognised government out of the capital, Tripoli, and declared their own regime, leaving the oil-rich country on the verge of anarchy.
Sirte man forced to pledge loyalty to ISISIG
A Sirte local is forced to pledge loyalty by jihadists
ISIS propaganda boasts of their shop in SirteIG
ISIS propaganda boasts of their shop in Sirte
ISIS propaganda of SirteIG
ISIS are hoping to show Sirte as a prosperous city
ISIS fighters share out food in Sirte IG
ISIS fighters share out food in Sirte in a propaganda video
ISL originated in the city of Darnah in April 2014, but the group lost control of the area soon after and re-established itself in Sirte, hundreds of miles to the west and much closer to Tripoli. 
After capturing nearby al-Nawfaliyah in February, it imposed its fanatical interpretation of Islam on residents in coastal towns across the region.
The group has swept to power in Sirte with relative ease, having allied with the local wing of jihadist organisation Ansar al-Sharia in Libya (ASL) to create an extremist supergroup that has faced little opposition.
ISL fighters in Libya even convinced militants from the lower-profile ASL to pledge allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi late last year.
Dr Jonathan Hill, an expert in Islamic extremism in the Maghreb region of North Africa, said there were notable similarities between the ISIS-influenced takeover of Libya as well as their rapid rise in Iraq and Syria. 
Fears have been raised that the group could use its new found dominance along Libya's vast coastline to send jihadi terrorists posing as migrants across the Mediterranean to Europe. 
In July, the French defence minister Jean-Yves Le Drian described Libya as the perfect launch pad for ISIS attacks on Europe.
But Dr Hill, of the War Studies department at Kings College London, said entering Europe by boat was "possible but not the most efficient" way of wreaking terror on the continent.
"Pitching up in a boat in Lampedusa, for example, is a fairly crude way of infiltrating Europe," he added.
The United Nations is holding talks in Geneva aimed at bring the warring Libyan factions together, with a preliminary agreement to end the crisis within weeks.
But attempts at diplomacy have been sidelined by intense fighting in the east of the country, with government helicopters bombing ISL positions in Sirte.
The militant group launched an offensive this week to retake the city of Darnah after a rival Islamist group had expelled it and in separate violence, ISL crushed a rival Islamist group near Sirte on Thursday, with 30 people reportedly killed.
Earlier this year, members of ISL beheaded a group of Coptic Christians from Egypt in an online video, prompting Egyptian government airstrikes against rebels in Libya in retaliation for the killing.
Hani Sabra, Middle East and North Africa head of the New York-based risk consultancy Eurasia Group, said “North Africa as a region is unstable across the board - Libya, Tunisia, Egypt”.
For now, at least, ISIS in Libya is only growing in strength.
Its new capital Sirte serves as proof that the terror regime is capable of establishing a so-called 'caliphate' in north Africa to rival its existing strongholds in the Middle East.

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