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jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

Zaytouna-Oliva leaves Ajaccio, Corsica for Messina, Italy - its final European port before sailing to break the illegal blockade of Gaza

For Immediate Release 
20 September 2016
Ajaccio, Corsica, France: The Women’s Boat to Gaza (Zaytouna-Oliva) left the port of Ajaccio at 09:30 this morning. It is due to arrive later this week in MessinaSicily, Italy, where it will dock for the last time, prior to sailing to challenge the illegal blockade of Gaza. 
One of the participants aboard, Lisa Gay Hamilton said: “It is an honour to be here and join this extraordinary group of women. This issue is bigger than me, than any of us. As a mother, as a daughter, as a sister, I cannot help thinking of Palestinian women in Gaza, who live in an open-air prison because of the occupation. It is so painful to think of them, we have to take action to end the blockade of Gaza.” A full list of the participants on this leg is available at:
Lucia Intruglio, spokesperson and one of the local organisers in Messina said: “We are very pleased to host the women on Zaytouna-Oliva before they embark on this historic voyage.”  During their stay in Messina, all of the women will participate in non-violence training, whilst finalizing supplies and equipment for the boat.  
A previous Freedom Flotilla Coalition ship, the Marianne av Göteborg from Sweden, departed from Sicily last year. It however was raided in international waters by the Israeli Occupation Forces. When asked whether theZaytouna-Oliva will reach its destination, Intruglio replied: “Our destination remains the conscience of humanity. It is up to every one of us to help them succeed in this.”

The Women’s Boat to Gaza is an initiative of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition composed of civil society organizations and campaigns from more than a dozen countries. 
In Canada please contact:
Sandra Ruch:    +1-416-716-4010
Irene Macinnes:   +1-778-870-2448

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