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jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Amazon sells children's 'Israeli soldier' costumes & #BBSee trends on Twitter

Amazon sells children's 'Israeli soldier' costumes & #BBSee trends on Twitter
Fecha:Wed, 28 Oct 2015 11:41:21 -0400 (EDT)
De:Friends of Al-Aqsa 

Amazon sells children's 'Israeli soldier' costumes
In a somewhat perverse move, Amazon are stocking Israeli soldier costumes for Halloween. On Amazon you can see the costume being modeled by a young child holding a gun. 
We have a number of questions for Amazon: Is it promoting child soldiers? Is it glorifying the violence being perpetrated by Israeli soldiers, often against Palestinian children? Does it believe the Israeli occupation and oppression, death and destruction, is 'child's play'?
Over the last few weeks we have seen Israeli soldiers use lethal force against Palestinians, which has resulted in at least 60 killings and over 2,000 injuries. Selling Israeli soldier outfits to children is utterly appalling.
Israeli soldiers have killed 1,523 children between 2000-2014 and detained 1,266 Palestinian children under the age of 15 in 2014.
We are asking all our supporters to contact amazon to demand that they remove the item from sale immediately.
Tweet @amazonuk
You got #BBSee trending on twitter
On Tuesday evening, Friends of Al-Aqsa started a twitter storm in response to BBC bias reporting on the recent increase in violence in Palestine. With your help we were able to send over 6,000 tweets to raise awareness about this!
It is clear that the reason #BBSEE trended across the UK is because more and more people are becoming aware of one-sided reporting from the BBC. This is the start of our new #BBSee campaign to put pressure on the BBC to report the facts accurately and independently. We would like to thank everyone who sent out tweets.

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UK based non-profit making NGO concerned with defending the human rights of Palestinians and protecting the sacred 
al-Aqsa Sanctuary in Jerusalem. This vision is supported by various international groups and organisations.

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