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viernes, 2 de enero de 2015

Salât Alà n-Nabí: bella nasheed

Salât Alà n-Nabí: bella nasheed

Muhammad (sas): Perdona al que te hace un daño, únete a aquel que te separa, haz el bien a la persona que te hace mal, y habla la verdad aunque vaya en tu contra

01/01/2015 - Autor: Ahbab Al Mustafa - Fuente: you tube
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| Duración: 18:54:00 | Idioma: Árabe

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Canción y música de Ahbab Al Mustafa durante el tour Habib Umar en Sydney Australia.
Traducción al inglés: Inspiredmind82
We came to Madinah (the prophet city)
To visit our prophet
We visited and prayed, thankful to Allah (God)
Allah Allah
O Madinah people, Our prophet beloved ones
Have attention for us, we are in God land
Madinah's illumination came from the prophet
Oh Messenger of Allah, ask forgiveness for us
In our prophet garden, we visited and prayed
So our prophet interced for us
Marvellous days we spend
With Taha (one of the prophet names) company, Allah's messenger
Have blessings and peace for the teacher,
Ahmed Mohammed, Allah's messenger
Allah akbar (Allah is the greatest), amber smells
and yellow musk, from Allah's messenger
We came to Madinah (the prophet city)
To visit our prophet
We visited and prayed, thankful to Allah (God)
Allah Allah
O Allah have blessings for our leader Mohammed, and for his people and fellows, and send peace
Oh you, who hear tribute to the prophet, have blessings for Taha the prophet
I would redeem myself for him, by my mother and father
My soul is sacrificed for the prophet. Hear this you who is hearing now
In the name of God, O fellows, have blessings for Taha the aden one
His tribute heals anyone who suffers
His tribute satiates the thirsty person
His love is beyond the one for my own father
In the name of God, O attendants, have blessings for Taha the chosen one
His tribute heals chagrins
His tribute removes chagrins
He's more valuable than my own father
O' you, Imam of messengers of Allah, my support
You are, after Allah, my furtherance
By my douniah (this life) and my hearafter, O prophet of Allah do take my hand
On us gratitude was added, as we entered aden garden
and prayed in it sunnah prayer and all was pervaded by grace
Salla Allah ala sayidina mohammad, wa ala alihi wa sallam.
My cure if illness falls on my soul, is giving tribute to the messenger who exclusively got the intercession for us
We got our blood blended with Muhammed love
Our hearts from nostalgia for him are burning
Leave your houses and daughters and sons and go to Taiba (another name for Madinah city)
Oh prophet, your guidance is the guidance of guidance, your scent is dew
My age started by you, Intercede for me o' Taha al Amin (the trustful custodian)
Your scent is the perfume of the basil, no
Your light is faith light, enlighten us O' Taha the trustful
When the moon was said to split for the prophet, the moon got itself split for you Taha
When the camel was said to calm, the camel kneeled for the God of Taha
When you (the prophet) was invited to your God, on the Buraq (the divine flying horse) you travelled by night
I asked for nothing but your company. Praises for Taha the trustworthy
Oh you who had Kawthar basin (the prophet basin in aden), I didn't mention by tribute but you.
We would fast and break the fast with your commendation
Intercede for me o' Taha al Amin (the trustworthy)


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